Union to join marriage fight

Union to join marriage fight

Australian Services Union (ASU) members have unanimously resolved to support and campaign towards marriage equality in the lead up to the December’s ALP National Conference.

The resolution was unanimously passed at the ASU’s Branch Council on Tuesday night after it was presented to the meeting by ASU member and Rainbow Labor South Australian convenor Joseph Scales and South Australian Labor MLC Ian Hunter (pictured).

“Marriage equality is about fairness and unions have a long history of fighting for equal rights and fair treatment for all people.” ASU Branch Secretary Katrine Hildyard said.

“Positive changes come about through people working together and speaking up for what is fair and the ASU is committed to working with others to achieve equal marriage rights for all Australians.”

“I have the right to be married as do many ASU members.  Unfortunately, the law still discriminates against many workers who do not have access to this right because of the person they love.  It is time for Unions to support equality for all working Australians and we are very proud of our stance on this issue”

Scales said he was proud that his union was prepared to fight for equality on all fronts.

“Rainbow Labor commends the ASU on its groundbreaking leadership for marriage equality,” Scales said.

“Unions refuse to accept unfairness and inequality in our society and the ASU has shown today that this push for marriage equality is in the great tradition of the labour movement for a better, fairer community.”

“Rainbow Labor looks forward to working with the ASU and all Unions as we head towards National Conference.”

Hunter, who recently challenged the Federal Government on its policy on refusing to issue documentation needed by same-sex couples who want to get married overseas, congratulated the ASU leadership on their forward thinking.

“The leadership of the ASU and other progressive unions will be pivotal to the marriage equality debate at the ALP National Conference in December. I am very proud to be a member of the ASU today,” Hunter said.

The ASU represents workers in the community sector, local government, energy, finance, airlines and clerical and administrative workers.

The ASU found that 73 percent of its members supported same-sex marriage after polling its members at the start of the year.

3 responses to “Union to join marriage fight”

  1. The NUW, one of Australia’s largest blue collar unions has also come out in support of marriage equality.

  2. Nothing like a union to “get” what equality means … thanks, and please hold firm through the ALP’s wavering stance. The head and shoulders of Labor will try to ignore you, then they’ll try to persuade you otherwise, offering all kinds of pay-offs. Drive it through, 100% !!!!

  3. Fantastic news! Great to see unions getting on board on this issue. Thank you ASU for your support!!