Victorian Pride Centre to help isolated LGBTI young people
THE Victorian Pride Centre will develop a new suite of mental health resources to help isolated members of the young LGBTI community.
“Our newly established website is now going to be able to feature a virtual platform of mental health resources and information for socially or geographically isolated young LGBTI people,” said Jude Munro AO, chair of the Victorian Pride Centre.
“This will mean they will not feel so isolated, and be able to get online information and resources around the clock.
“We will work with beyondblue, the Victorian AIDS Council and Switchboard to make sure we add value to their existing resources.
“We are grateful to the Victorian Government for their insight into the needs of our community and the speed of their response to this pressing problem of isolation.”
The resources will be developed with funding from the Victorian Government, which has announced a grant of $100,000 to the Victorian Pride Centre to support young people in rural and isolated Victoria.
The new centre received news on last month’s IDAHOBIT of a $15 million dollar grant for its St Kilda site.