Victoria’s opposition leader apologises for anti-gay letter written more than 20 years ago

Victoria’s opposition leader apologises for anti-gay letter written more than 20 years ago
Image: Image: Matthew Guy / Facebook.

Victorian Liberal party leader Matthew Guy has apologised for a homophobic letter he signed as a student activist more than 20 years ago.

The anti-gay letter, signed in 1994, has resurfaced ahead of the state election, AAP has reported.

“We view your organisation with distaste and see it as a sign of a very sick society suffering from severe moral decay,” read the letter from the La Trobe University Students’ Representatives Council, co-signed by Guy, to the Gay and Lesbian Immigration Task Force.

“It is a shame that organisations such as yours exist.”

Guy said he first apologised shortly after signing the letter because he “realised it was inappropriate”.

Deputy Premier James Merlino called the letter “disgraceful”.

“It was pretty hurtful and Matthew Guy at times talks with a forked tongue,” Merlino said.

“No doubt we all say things we regret but they were pretty considered and hurtful words in that letter, reflecting some deep seated attitudes.”

The Victorian state election is set to be held on Saturday 24 November.

Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack also recently had old homophobic comments resurface.

McCormack penned an opinion piece in 1993 calling gay people “sordid” and “unnatural”, and blaming them for AIDS.

His comments were condemned by LGBTI community figures and advocates.

McCormack has apologised for his past remarks and said he no longer holds such views.

Activist Rodney Croome from just.equal said many were “justifiably concerned” about McCormack becoming deputy prime minister.

“The apologies Mr McCormack made in the past are welcome but given the hatefulness of what he said, and the high office he may step into, he needs to walk the talk,” said Croome.

“He needs to get behind initiatives that will reduce the unacceptably high levels of LGBTI isolation, prejudice and suicide that still exist in some parts of rural Australia.

“He needs to heal the wounds caused by the kind of prejudices he publicly expressed in the past.”

3 responses to “Victoria’s opposition leader apologises for anti-gay letter written more than 20 years ago”

  1. This is the same man who instructed his party to vote down attempts by Labor to change laws so that private schools cannot expel gay and lesbian students, wants to defund safe schools, and supported the postal survey. But yeah, I`m sure he is sorry, even if he dosen’t show it.

  2. This is the sort of journalism that the Star Observer does well! It is good to publish information about the past homophobic statements and antics of politicians etc. as it informs voting decisions at election time.

    I know people can change, and move on from their homophobic/transphobic pasts, but some people, such as politicians, are resistant to change despite voicing their contrition for past wrongs. I can not believe that Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack has changed until I see some real evidence, such as his support for funding of LGBTI initiatives in rural areas.

  3. The truth bubbles to the surface eventually hey! Never trust the LNP with your life even after the national SSM plebiscite & lobster with mobster fiascos. If we want LGBTIQ+ rights in Victoria, vote 1 Labor in November. We still have 2 pieces of work to do with abolishing the archaic surgery requirements on trans* people and to implement reforms to the already outdated Victoria Equal Oppurtunity Act 2010.