Tony Abbott backpedals and takes credit for SSM

Tony Abbott backpedals and takes credit for SSM

Tony Abbott has seemingly reversed his position on marriage equality since the postal survey results were announced yesterday.

The prominent No campaigner’s own electorate of Warringah voted overwhelmingly for marriage equality, with a 75 per cent Yes result.

After urging anti–LGBTI campaigners to prepare to keep fighting against equality just days ago and claiming that same-sex marriage would “trash our country’s history”, Abbott is now claiming credit for facilitating marriage equality, The New Daily has reported.

In a 2GB radio interview yesterday, he mentioned three times that the survey had been “his idea”.

“I put this process in place. I have, in a sense, facilitated the change,” he said.

In a sudden departure from his past rhetoric about marriage equality, Abbott said he wanted to see the legislation passed as soon as possible.

“I certainly intend to facilitate the passage of a bill,” he said.

The former Prime Minister congratulated the Yes campaign on the “big win” and said it was a “big day” for marriage equality supporters.

He had previously called the Yes campaign “a war on our way of life”.

Yesterday’s marriage survey results showed that Abbott was the only MP in the top 10 Yes-voting electorates to have campaigned against the majority view of his own constituents.

Warringah returned the fourth-highest Yes vote in New South Wales.

“I think it is good that everyone had a say,” said Abbott.

“I think the result should now be respected by the community and by the parliament.”

20 responses to “Tony Abbott backpedals and takes credit for SSM”

  1. >> Just as John Howard did with his dishonest Referenda on the question as to whether or not Australia should become a republic – he did not have the guts to ask us the very simple question “Do you think Australia should become a Republic?” YES NO – ( Tick the box of your choice)<> Abbott, you proposed/promised you Plebiscite it is true BUT you did not have the guts to make it a Referendum.<<

    Referenda are for constitutional questions. This wasn't constitutional.

    And no, this isn't binding. However, I suspect it'll be a very brave politician that votes against it. The people have spoken and there will be another election.

    It might not have been a major thing if the survey hadn't happened, but if you ask the people a question, you'd be very, very brave (or stupid) if you ignored the answer.

    The rest of what you said seemed to descend into a bit of a rant.

    Although, one thing does amuse me:
    Any cursory check of the dates in the future will show:
    1. That the Greens/Labor, when they had a double majority (2010-2013) refused to pass this.
    2. That the LNP did.

  2. The winners get to write the history books, Mr Abbott, which means you will be recorded in history as a treacherous, Machiavellian manipulator. A man not to trusted. A stranger to the truth.

  3. Just as John Howard did with his dishonest Referenda on the question as to whether or not Australia should become a republic – he did not have the guts to ask us the very simple question “Do you think Australia should become a Republic?” YES NO – ( Tick the box of your choice)
    He did not even ask us that but whether but whether or not in the event Australia becomes a republic the head of State/President be elected by the Federal Parliament – or some such garbage.
    Abbott, you proposed/promised you Plebiscite it is true BUT you did not have the guts to make it a Referendum.
    A Plebiscite as even the most ignorant know is NOT binding on any government.
    A Referendum is.
    You planned your dishonest non-binding Plebiscite knowing it would probably fail and even if it had received 100% Yes response across the country you would have been able to simply ignore that result and claim that it was just a survey to find out how the voters were thinking.
    Turnbull, unnecessarily, kept your false promise and then when the ALP refused to pass the legislation – with 100% support from Bill Shorten – Turnbull opted for the Survey.
    Unlike Abbott and Shorten – though the latter, like Abbott now does, now tries to take the credit which he did/does not deserve and the GLTBIQ Community should punish him and the ALP in 2019 for their blatant and deliberate Dishonesty, Turnbull has kept his word. He knew, and unlike both Abbott & Shorten, both of whom were vehemently opposed to is, he is/was in favour of SGM that the vast majority of Australians were too.. He, unlike Abbott & Shorten, is making SGM a reality
    Turnbull deserves all the credit. Turnbull deserves our support.
    Abbott and his fellow ultra-right-wing neo-fascists, Shorten and his ultra-left wing sort of commies were/are all Vehemently Opposed to Equality. Scratch the skin of any of them and you will find unapologetic Homophobes.
    Remember, under Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Stalin and Mao ( the very epitome of Ultra Right/Left politics, Homosexuality was illegal and they thought nothing of murdering any they found.. The Gas chambers and Gulags became our homes.

  4. • Concerned parent at a beach in Warringah, seeks the help of friend, as she quickly covers the eyes of her child: “oh my goodness… w-what’s that slithering out from Abbott’s budgie-smugglers?!”
    • The friend replies: “don’t worry… that’s just his spine.”

  5. Typical revisionist historian twisting the past to put him in the better light. However if he does take credit for the plebiscite he can also take the credit for not allowing members to do a conscious vote which would mean this could of been resolved ages ago.

  6. Tony Abbot: Rhodes Scholar.
    Prior to entering Parliament, Abbott took the degrees of Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws at the University of Sydney, then attended The Queen’s College, Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar, graduating as a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. He later proceeded by seniority to Master of Arts.

    After graduating from Oxford, Abbott trained as a Roman Catholic seminarian, and later worked as a journalist, a manager, and a political adviser. [Wikipedia]

    This man is highly educated and highly intelligent. It just goes to show that intelligence and education are clearly no match for guile and deceit.

  7. I just cannot believe the hide of this man
    His sister and daughter call him out
    His electorate thinks he wrong
    Best you start looking for a new career Tony
    Maybe go back to being a Jesuit priest….and live in seclusion from the community you are representing
    No wonder people vote for alternative politicians like Pauline Hanson. It’s not that they want them, it’s just we don’t have any honest, non manipulative politicians to represent our country.
    Shame on you Tony
    I certainly hope your electorate calls you out for who you are.

  8. What a complete piece of fecal matter, great integrity – NOT.

    Just because Tony has the memory span of a goldfish doesn’t mean we the people have forgotten his VILE behavior during the SSM campaign.

    Tony … move on to selling dodgy second-hand cars.

  9. You are a total disgrace Abbott. What a lying bigoted hypocrite your are. Resign and get out of politics. The one good thing about the whole Survey has been the total discrediting of you and your toxic right political friends being shown that Australia is a wake up to you and next election you, Abetz, Andrews and the rest of your cohorts are going to be targeted so you do not get re-elected. Before the survey you would have laughed this off. Now, be very very careful as your electorates are ready to toss you all.

  10. Anyone who believes this spin is an Idiot. He did push Turnbull into doing a survey but wasn’t his idea. But Turnbull could not get party support for a simple vote in parliament, This was the compromise, if anything it back fired now they can shove it in his face solid numbers of how Australia feels. ;/


    HAAAAA HAAAAA HAAAA *wheeze* hahahahahahahhahahahahahaha. HA ha HA ha HA HA HAAAAAA HAAAAAAA HAAAAAA.
