Council supports gay marriage
Lake Macquarie Council has thrown its support behind gay marriage.
Last week all but one councillor voted to endorse a motion calling for the legalisation of same-sex marriage. Greens Councillor Hannah Gissane put the motion forward.
“This is a great way to throw our support behind our LGBTI community in Lake Macquarie,” Gissane said.
“There can often be a pervasive and misleading notion that few queer people live and work in regional and rural areas.
“The idea that LGBTI people have to migrate to the city for acceptance and to build and find a community is old school. This motion goes a long way in acknowledging that we have a broad, healthy and diverse queer community in Lake Macquarie and in the Hunter generally.”
There are currently three bills to legalise same gay marriage before the federal Parliament being debated.