Margaret Court refuses to attend Margaret Court Arena for grand slam

Margaret Court refuses to attend Margaret Court Arena for grand slam

Notorious anti-same sex marriage campaigner and tennis icon Margaret Court has said she won’t be attending the Australian Grand Slam.

The move has prompted some to suggest this may be because of the many players petitioning to change the venue from Margaret Court Arena.

For the past six months Court has come under fire for her homophobic and transphobic comments, saying that marriage equality will end Christmas, criticising corporate giants like Qantas for championing the issue, and comparing LGBTI people to Hitler.

She also wrote an open letter to Qantas stating that she would no longer fly with them after they voiced their support for marriage equality.

This led to several tennis players claiming they would refuse to play at the tournament if the arena was not renamed.

Openly gay player Richel Hogenkamp voiced her concern about playing in a stadium named after the homophobic tennis player.

When Court was asked if she was avoiding the tournament for this reason, she said she’d decided not to come and do more crabbing.

“I don’t run from things, I face them,” she said.

Despite the criticism against Court’s recent comments, the tennis court is still named after her.

4 responses to “Margaret Court refuses to attend Margaret Court Arena for grand slam”

  1. Who cares? For the most part the vast majority of people won’t have a clue who she is, they have long-since forgotten. Even if she did attend, – doubtless her travel, accommodation and food would be paid by someone other than herself, no-one – other than few disinterested Australian Tennis Officials kow-towing to her past glories – would recognise her.
    Maggs is no different to any other has-been “celeb” they get hooked on publicity.
    Stay away, Maggs, no-one will care!

  2. She oesn’t run from things but faces them? Ha! It sure looks like she is running from the consequences of he homophobia. She knows that if she shows her ugly face at the tennis, she will face protests. Cowardly old hag.

  3. Did you have a nice Christmas this year? Yes? Well it didn’t actually happen. We know this to be true because Margaret Court said that’s how it would go (ie no Christmas) if Australia voted Yes on marriage equality. And she couldn’t possibly be full of shit, could she?

    The real reason she’s never going back to Margaret Court Arena is because Joel Creasey once scored a wristy in the toilets there.