Christine Forster reveals insight into life as Tony Abbott’s lesbian sister

Christine Forster reveals insight into life as Tony Abbott’s lesbian sister
Image: “When I told him [I was gay] his response was 'whatever you think you have to do I will support you'."

CITY of Sydney councillor and self-confessed “regular lesbian about town” Christine Forster has opened up about her personal life and relationship with her brother Prime Minister Tony Abbott in an interview with SBS 2’s The Feed.

Forster, who met her partner Virginia Edwards in 2003 where they both had sons attending the same school, said publicly coming out was a big decision.

“We were both married, and that meant we had to make very difficult decisions about our husbands and what that meant for our children,” she told SBS journalist and Mardi Gras TV co-host Patrick Abboud.

Forster said that when she came out, out of all her immediate family members, Abbott was the most supportive.

“People raise their eyebrows when I tell them this but it’s the honest truth,” she said.

“When I told him what was going on his response was ‘whatever you think you have to do I will support you’.”

Despite this, Abbott continues to oppose legislating marriage equality in Australia despite his lesbian sister.

Forster defended her brother’s views, saying Abbott does see her relationship with Edwards as valid. It just didn’t come under his umbrella of the institution of marriage.

“He sees… the legal definition of marriage as it was historically, he sees it that it has to be between a man and women,” Forster said.

“I think he’s wrong, but he’s entitled to his view.”

Forster, mother to four children, said that she came out later in her life due to an inability to come out when she was younger.

“I grew up in an environment where there was never any opportunity for me to pursue a same-sex relationship, it wasn’t something that was ever even considered remotely,” she recalled.

Virginia Edwards, Forster’s partner, said she felt proud that she and Christine could be a voice for the gay community.

“Families come in all shapes and sizes and they’re aren’t any conventions and nor should there be,” she said.

Watch the The Feed’s story:

107 responses to “Christine Forster reveals insight into life as Tony Abbott’s lesbian sister”

  1. #MarriageEquality
    Won’t allow a conscience vote to even possibly give his own flesh and blood. Marriage based on gender not love WTF!!! Chances our community will be reflected equally in legislation 0%
    Observer LNP propaganda
    shame shame shame Star Observer
    Social issues for our are more important then you sticking a knife in our backs and for the people not strong enough to continue on this path a knife to their throats.

  2. How sad is to see the Star Observer went that low to even have this . I been in this country fron more than 30 years and I had worked so much in LGBTIQ community with Valous, equality, respect and human rights with Peter Tuly David, Richard Warrett and so many. Others. I had tried for many years telling on documentaries, and all kind of media nacional and international about our equal opportunities, respect , tolerance, compassion, acceptance of belief, respect differences, background, sexuality, age even health status. Travel the world with that message to Pride to more than 18 countries . Yes I came to Australia as family refugee progam and I have been part of Mradi Gras more that 30 years. This PM is the worst ever I have experience in my history in Australia. I don’t believe him and I don’t trust him in any way. He is a homophobic and an Patalological lier . Sad to see his sister trying to help him here. But as Michael Stephan said. He is power hungry bigoted, raiscist , homophobic, lier, sexist narcissism and freek controler. Let have more awareness and try to be more human and share you love and compassion.
    He is the worst PM in the Australian history and he is a selfish person who don’t give a fxxx of anyone .
    Sad to said but Wake up people After all I came from a Civil war zone and I survived and grateful to call Australia home with my LGBTIQ community. But Tonny Abbot is Dagerous for Australia. We will have him in many way at Mardi Gras Floats. You willl see you there.

  3. Love to see an expose on Tim Wilson and his partner Ryan next please S.B.S

    Amid all the controversy with Gillian Triggs that would be incredibly interesting

    He’s kinda cute in a sado-masochistic way


  4. shes alwasy been a sell out from the moment her being a lesbian came out and she supported her brother and his bigotoed views.sick of apologists/ I dont believe he is such a supporter of gays. I judge him on his actions and comments which have shown nothing but a power hungry bigoted, racists islamophobist homophobic sexist chovenistic pig and its clear christine is a sell out and will do anythign for her own career.

  5. I have no respect for Tony Abbott and I think even many of the most staunch Liberal voters feel the same. He is a huge disappointment and to have a sister he is happy to have rights denied to makes him less human, despite how supportive he may have allegedly been. If someone can’t make a separation from legal recognition and their faith, they can’t claim to be supportive.

    • Liberals in Victoria can’t stand him either

      The professional upper classes namely the legal and medical fraternity find him a very frustrating man to deal with

      He’s managed to annoy every one and is too combative in his approach

      Thus they lost the election here for the first time in history

      Even the liberal student clubs put Menzies on their o-week tshirts to attract new members here

      I don’t mind right wing gays and Christine and her partner seem like a lovely couple
      Anything better than that extremist Tim Wilson

      Having Tony Abbott is a great way to not make friends…they thibk you’re crazy

  6. This country is well and truly fucked with these Liberal pair of clowns running the joint – with this continuous gay marriage ban since 2004 – no wonder why were are as Australians are seen as bigoted and backward laughing-stock and a complete embarrassment to the rest of the world!

  7. You can’t save him. No one buys the bull. He makes his views based on religion not consciousness. And we now where religion stands towards our gay brethren and fellow human beings.

  8. If I was his sibling I wouldn’t want him at my wedding. Quite simply Tony Abbott has had his opportunity to make a difference and help thousands of Australians have marriage equality but he choose not to. Now the opportunity may have slipped through his hands and he will go down in history not as a good man or leader but the biggest Joke politics has had to offer.

  9. I’d like to say Tony supports Christine as his family as much as Colonel Cate McGregor as his best friend but I hope Tony doesn’t regret like Julia Gillard to remove discrimination for LGBTI on the law books when they can as a Prime Minister. They deserve equal access to the law as much as the straight neighbour next door as a fair dinkum Australian. Sorry Christine you should demonstrate how it is hurting you and your partner in time and expenses to raise a family because Tony is restricting it

  10. Didn’t she move the motion to get rid of Occupy Sydney when they were feeding homeless people? I care more about young queers who are homeless and hungry, and elderly queers who are neglected and starving, than I do about neo-con bullshit about campaigning for someone who would be happy to see young queers lose the dole and have NO income support for six months. She campaigned for her brother and doesn’t in any way represent our broader community. She represents a bunch of elitist white neo-liberals who do not give a shit about those who are seriously desperate and suffering. Not my community rep, Captain Catholic is happy to starve legal and homeless services of funding, so stuff him.

  11. Sorry, Christine Forster, but you’re not a voice for the community that I belong to. We don’t share the same values and I don’t accept bigoted opinions even from my sibling. I was prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt but you’ve proven yourself to be of the same ilk as your Brother with your opinion pieces. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you have used your brother to raise your profile and it will be your undoing. How about making some positive contributions to your community instead of grandstanding and claiming credit for ideas that you’ve stolen from other people? Or join another cult other than the Liberal Party…