Abbott wants anti-LGBTI campaigning to continue after the postal survey

Abbott wants anti-LGBTI campaigning to continue after the postal survey
Image: Tony Abbott. Image: Twitter / VoicingOurVote

Tony Abbott has said that campaigning against marriage equality should continue long after the end of the postal survey.

The former Prime Minister told an anti-LGBTI group in the US this week that fighting against marriage equality should not stop, Pink News has reported.

Abbott addressed the Alliance Defending Freedom, an anti-LGBTI hate group.

Discussing No campaigners, he said, “Such robust characters, once activated, are unlikely to fade away, and could continue to make their presence felt, even after marriage is no longer an issue, because they’ve had the guts to campaign for a cause they believe in.

“Win, lose, or draw, though, starting from scratch two months ago, the campaign for marriage in my country has mobilised thousands of new activists; and created a network that could be deployed to defend Western civilisation more broadly and the Judeo-Christian ethic against all that’s been undermining it.

“If the traditional stance of the centre-right in the English-speaking tradition is to endure—to be pro-market and to be socially conservative—there has to be people prepared to stand up for beliefs, because if you don’t believe, you won’t fight, and if you don’t fight, you can’t win.”

Abbott said pro-LGBTI events must be countered by “common sense”.

“For every protest march, there must be a solidarity one. For every assertion of identity politics, there must be a defence of the social fabric,” he said.

“For every lobby on the counter-cultural left, there must be one on the common-sense right if even the sensible centre is to hold, for the values of centre-right party MPs can no longer be assumed and often need to be buttressed.”

A prominent spokesperson for the No campaign, Abbott has come under fire for his comments about “transgender marriage” and “radical gay sex education”, as well as suggesting it would be “best” for a straight couple to raise his gay sister’s children.

14 responses to “Abbott wants anti-LGBTI campaigning to continue after the postal survey”

  1. I think the hard thing that is not getting across here is everyone should have the opportunity to have a voice, whether it is yay or nay.

    Where has freedom of choice gone? If you say no, you are slandered. If yes, it’s all hunky dory.

    We all have a right to our own ideology regardless of our choice made. It shouldn’t be a witch hunt for either side just because it’s now what others like!

  2. I don’t know about what others have sensed but I sense that all the vitriol, the hatred, the loathing, the bigotry has been emanating from arch-homophobes like Tony Abbott, Erich Abetz, Kevin Andrews, Cory Bernardi , the ACL and their mates – all of whom preach the very antithesis of what Jesus taught. This has nothing to do with Freedom of Religion – even today under the current Secular Australian Marriage Act religious businesses such as the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church and other self-style “Christian” organisations can refuse to marry some people. They can, and do, refuse to marry people who have been divorced. That is Discrimination isn’t it?.
    This campaign led by Tony Abbott is nothing more than sheer homophobia. They all simply Loathe Homosexuals. Their hatred is palpable and, from experience, that hatred stems from just one thing: FEAR. Fear that under all that bluster that they might just be latent homosexuals.

  3. Abbott is such a disgusting creature.
    Reminds me of Rex Mossop and Fred Nile 30- 40 years ago ranting against gays and showing total lack of decency or understanding of basic human rights for gays or women.
    Fred Nile I assume will invite Abbott to a prayer-fest to implore their heavenly bigot to pee on 40th Mardi Gras parade.

  4. Even if you don’t like Tony; it’s sensible to vote no in the SSM survey (even the term is confusing: talking of sex when gender is the volatile and challenging category).

  5. Apart from Shelton/Nile/Abetz, who does Abbott think will be joining him?. Abbott has burnt so many bridges and seems to live in a delusion of his own importance. It’s entirely possible that Warringah won’t be returning him after the next election. He then looses his current status at which point he’s just another bigot. He will never be a revered ex PM. Equally , I suspect Australia is not quite fertile territory for another ADF.

  6. Tony Abbot is irrelevant. Hopefully his own electorate will ensure his demise at the next election. Even on this issue he should be representing those who put him in parliament not his own misguided agenda. I believe I’m correct in saying that his own electorate in pols has a very high yes vote fo SSM. Hopefully he will go in the same way John Howard did now that voters can see how far removed he is from current thinking.

  7. Time to get this bigotted prick voted out of his seat. I’d love to see him lose to a transgender woman. Maybe we should ask Cate McGregor to run against him.

  8. Considering over 30k attended the Marriage Equality Rally and only 12 (Twelve) attended the ‘Straight Lives Matter’ Rally’, I think that he is kidding himself. Besides, if the Vote is Yes, then its Yes. Game over, Tony.

  9. Yeah, we’re going to keep campaigning too Tony Abbott.

    We’re sick of the institutional abuse committed by the institutions you protect. You’ve shown us the way! Thanks to you, Catholics who protect paedophiles or victimise their victims (eg sending legal letters which falsely tell victims they can’t discuss their abuse as happened in Wagga Wagga just last year) are headed for a world of pain. We’re going to campaign against taxpayer funded organisations who discriminate against same sex marriage, as Catholic Archbishop Dennis Hart has promised to do.

    And we’re saving the best until last. We’re demanding a federal inquiry into why Tony Abbott failed to declare on his Prime Ministerial Register of Interests that his daughter was given a $60,000 “scholarship” to study free at a private college when no other students were able to apply (they were told the college has no scholarships) and the only reason she got it was because she was the PM’s daughter, with the demand that you repay the lot.

    There are lots of campaigns Tony. You have yours, we’ll have ours, let’s see who’s laughing at the end of the day.

    • Umm, just replying to myself, that’s probably fairly defamatory and may be best going unpublished on your magnificent website! Sorry! Tony Abbott just has this effect on me!