Loree Rudd quits ALP over marriage

Loree Rudd quits ALP over marriage

The sister of Foreign Affairs Minister Kevin Rudd has quit the Labor Party over its change of platform in favour of same-sex marriage.

Loree Rudd had threatened to quit the ALP earlier in the year if it voted for marriage equality at this month’s National Conference.

The Nambour-based elder sister of the former prime minister this week said same-sex marriage should be put to a referendum.

“Any government honest with its people would take this matter to a referendum after a couple of years of open debate,” she told the Sunshine Coast Daily.

“It is not an easy issue and shouldn’t be swept through in a night sitting. It shouldn’t be swept through at a Labor conference when the party has committed to the electorate it will support marriage as it is.”

In July, Rudd accused ALP members of being brainwashed after four state Labor conferences endorsed changes to the Marriage Act to allow same-sex marriage under federal law, and said there was a “global gay gestapo” that fed propaganda to lobby for marriage equality.

Rudd’s comments were condemned by same-sex marriage campaigners, the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, the national Jewish Anti-Defamation Commission, and Holocaust survivor Frederick Weisinger.

She stood by religious-based discrimination this week, claiming Jesus was “misrepresented”.

“The whole concept of equality comes from the Bible, from the sacred scriptures. All people are equal before God, but not all relationships,” she said.

“If [gay marriage] happens in Australia, it won’t affect my life at all, but it would be a tragic loss for our society.

“If the benefit was that homosexual couples knew more joy, it would be worth the trade-off. But I don’t think they will experience more joy.”

Rudd said she had also sent Queensland state Independent MP Peter Wellington a letter expressing her views on same-sex civil unions.

Wellington slammed Christian lobby group the Australian Family Association during debate over Queensland’s civil unions Bill last month for threatening to campaign against MPs who support civil unions.

Rudd said she was sad he felt “harassed or intimidated by Christians”.

22 responses to “Loree Rudd quits ALP over marriage”

  1. Newsflash Loree, we’re a secular society in Australia now. “Sacred” texts may be respected by those who choose to respect them, but they no longer make the law for the whole of society. Good on you for standing by your convictions and leaving the ALP, but ‘cast ye the firste stone if ye havente sinned’ (or whatever it says in the Old Testamant).

  2. The only thing religion of any of any denomination knows,is power
    to persecute,prosecute,discriminate,be elitist and totaly disregard
    human issue. God is totaly disregarded, religion have very little regard for the created wonders as it regards itself a self appointed like type godhead.Entitled to power without regards to other except its own agrandisement.Most religious wars and teachings have only power and hatred towards other to this day. Sad but true. Jesus would be torn apart if he came down in the thirties after all he was a Jew. Turn on some compassion, kindnes,and understanding. God has created diversities in all his creature including in men & women do not trie to correct his wonderfull creativity.

  3. Why slam the lady for speaking out her convictions? By doing so you only weaken your argument and the disrespect shown says “we can speak out but she isn’t allowed to”. Make your point as you have the right to do, but don’t lower yourself in doing so. I applaud her right to speak her convictions.

  4. The woman is a walking contradiction and a hypocrite. And when “christians” go an about traditional marriage needing to be upheld, what they really mean is that the tradition of bigotry and discrimination against gay people needs to be upheld. I can see straight through them.

  5. If Tony Abbott and his Catholic mates get into power we can expect plenty more of this Christian persecution from them.

  6. Where does she get this from??

    “If the benefit was that homosexual couples knew more joy, it would be worth the trade-off. But I don’t think they will experience more joy.”

  7. “If [gay marriage] happens in Australia, it won’t affect my life at all.”

    That’s really all she needed to say.

  8. And another one has left the Labor Party. It’s on the nose alright!

    Nambour is not far from Joh’s beloved Kingaroy…

    Right up there in the Deep North of Queensland.

  9. Loree Rudd: “The whole concept of equality comes from the Bible”

    I want her drugs.