Equal Love banner attracts unwanted attention

Equal Love banner attracts unwanted attention
Image: The controversial banner on display at the recent marriage equality rally in Brisbane. (Picture: BRENDAN BURKE)
The controversial banner on display at the recent marriage equality rally in Brisbane. (Picture: BRENDAN BURKE)
The controversial banner on display at the recent marriage equality rally in Brisbane. (Picture: BRENDAN BURKE)

THE controversy surrounding a banner used during a pro-marriage equality rally in Brisbane earlier this month has grown to attract criticism from mainstream media.

At the recent rally, a Socialist Alternative banner depicted Prime Minister Tony Abbott being hung by a rainbow noose with the message: “Dear Tone, Stahp ur homophobia or else, sincerely de gayz”.

The banner provoked Equal Love’s Dylan Carmichael to write an open letter to the group’s leaders protesting the decision to allow the banner during the peaceful rally.

“I can’t tell you how my heart sank as I watched this banner at Saturday’s marriage equality rally in Brisbane.” Carmichael wrote on his blog.

“Put simply, Socialist Alternative, if that’s your idea of supporting our cause, then we don’t want or need it. Leave us alone.”

Carmichael’s letter attracted community-wide support, with many sharing his belief that the Socialist Alternative have silently taken control of the Equal Love movement. The sentiments also echoed the reaction to Sydney-based Community Action Against Homophobia recently using a controversial banner, and the banner that was used during an anti-police brutality rally held after Mardi Gras, whereby many believed they were too radical and did not represent the LGBTI community.

However, Equal Love responded to Carmichael’s criticism by voting to expel him from the rally organising committee and banned him from future meetings.

“We do not believe it is the role of Equal Love Brisbane to censor, control or condemn materials that any supporting individual or group brings to the rallies,” Equal Love states in response to Carmichael’s dismissal.

“Never before have we had to deal with a situation where a spokesperson for our organisation undermined the democratic decision-making processes of the group to publicly slander other activists involved in the campaign.”

The fall out attracted the attention of News Limited columnist Andrew Bolt, who took the opportunity on his blog to label those behind the banner as “hypocrites hating Abbott to death”.

“Those responsible [for the banner] say they represent equal love. They practice an unequal hate.” Bolt wrote.

Carmichael  expressed uneasiness at being used by Bolt to attack the left and urged him to focus on the vast majority of the LGBTI community and that most of its members did not share Socialist Alternative’s views.

“The ‘Ditch the Witch’ comparison was obvious,” Carmichael told the Star Observer.

“I think it’s better that Mr Bolt report on division within the [Equal Love] movement over the banner, rather than reporting on what would have seemed to be our silent approval of it.”

He added that further debate was required over the future of the movement and issue of equal rights in Australia.

4 responses to “Equal Love banner attracts unwanted attention”

  1. The Socialist Alternative are truly squalid. Their sign was crass, violent and nauseating. We are supposed to rise above the standard of violence and hate that the homophobic far-right wallows in, not descend to their level. The Socialist Alternative are a bunch of politically, philosophically and economically illiterate dirtbags whose insinuation into the LGBT civil rights movement is peculiar and perplexing. What the f**k do gay rights have to do with public ownership of the means of production? Or worker consciousness??? SA are irrelevant and frankly stupid. Their violent and ignorant rhetoric contaminates the broader aims of the movement, and the idiotic claims of the Equal Love leadership that criticism of SA’s violent, threatening message amounts to “censorship” is simply prissy.

  2. I know there is a lot of frustration at Tony Abbott. He has policies that are cruel, and is a very incompetent Prime Minister. He thinks nothing of standing next to signs saying, Ditch the Bitch, and people with a noose. But it is not an attractive look. It cost the Liberal Party the safe seat of Sophie Mirabella, due to the community outrage. Not many liked Gillard, but a line was crossed, and Sophie Mirabella was booted out at the election. It would be better saying Tony Abbott hates your freedom or your Civil Rights etc, or even, Tony Abbott stop attacking businesses. He is actually the opposite to Liberal values, and an easy target with Liberal voters because of this. The party needs to dump him not just for reasons of equality, but to save Australia. He exports jobs to New Zealand etc, he has said some shocking things in the past.

    The GLBTI population is not a clone army. When someone brings a stupid sign to a rally with mostly straight folk, we do not blame all straight folk. But what it does do is tarnish the cause.

  3. I believe it is entirely right for there to be a minimum standard of taste concerning the banners and commentary used at these rallies, and I also find that the rallies are politically intimating for marriage equality rallies who do not come from the pontifical left. I shan’t be donating to Equal Love in future, but I’m sure that they’ll be better off without my prude and silencing money.