Eight-year-old makes good on promise of a week of letters to Tony Abbott for gay marriage

Eight-year-old makes good on promise of a week of letters to Tony Abbott for gay marriage

THE eight-year-old niece of a Melbourne gay couple has followed through on her promise to write a letter to Prime Minister Tony Abbott every day for a week to urge him to change his position on same-sex marriage.

Earlier this month eight-year-old Abbey made headlines when she sent a handwritten letter to Abbott asking for the law to be changed to allow same-sex marriage and explaining she had to go to New Zealand for her uncles’ wedding.

“Gay marriage is no different to any other marriage because it’s only about love and nothing else,” Abbey wrote in her second letter, which included a drawing of herself and her uncles.

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After reminding the Prime Minister of her week-long plan in her third letter, Abbey acknowledged Abbott’s difficult workload on day four.

“I haven’t had a reply from you yet so when you have time please write back. I know it’s hard running a country,” she wrote.

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On day five Abbey even told the Prime Minister she understands how hard change can be.

“Change is normally for the best. It’s okay to make a change to laws and the way you think,” she encouraged.

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Abbey’s week of letter writing finished with a final plea, and the message: “I’ve loved writing to you.”

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Abbey’s uncle Gregory Storer told the Star Observer his niece was still hoping for a response.

“When I caught up with Abbey on Sunday she we talked about her expectations in receiving a response… She wanted to know if writing to the Queen may help if the PM doesn’t respond,” he said.

“Michael and I have been amazed at the response our niece has had and the impact on others. We’ve had plenty of good comments that we’ve shared with Abbey. She’s pretty quite and shy, not really wanting the limelight, but happy that we have shared her letters with the world.”

Abbey follows in the footsteps of other Australian children who have written to Abbott this year to convince him to change his mind on marriage equality.

Four-year-old Sabrina Franco from western Sydney and 11-year-old Orlando Burcham from Newcastle both wrote to the Prime Minister, and while Orlando received a response, Sabrina did not. Both letters garnered international media attention and went viral on social media.

Storer and his partner Michael Barnett will appear on an SBS special called Living With the Enemy: Same-Sex Marriage, where they will live for a week with conservative Anglican minister against same-sex marriage.


3 responses to “Eight-year-old makes good on promise of a week of letters to Tony Abbott for gay marriage”

  1. I thought elected officials were required to respond to written communication. Or is there a loophole because she’s below voting age. what utter disrespect to not bother with a reply.

  2. Tony Abbott only cares about Gina Ryanheart, Twiggy Forrest, Ropert Murdoch and Clive Palmer!

    Tony Abbott does not care at all about the poor, middle/working class people! He just walks and laughs all over us!