Almost 7% of young Australians identify as gay, study finds

Almost 7% of young Australians identify as gay, study finds

A NEW study has found that 6.5 per cent of Australians in their 20s identify as gay, more than any other age group surveyed.

The survey conducted by Roy Morgan Research asked 18,000 Australians aged 14 and over to agree or disagree with the statement: “I consider myself a homosexual.”

The general trend shows a steady increase in people identifying as gay across all age groups.

Between 2006-2008 one in 42 people agreed, with the figure rising to one in 32 people for 2009-2011.

The latest 2012-2014 numbers reveal 1 in 29 people identify as gay.

The figure increased from just over four per cent in 2006 to 2008.

A higher rate occurs among those aged from 14-29, the ages at which more young people are likely to “come out”.

The study also shows that the decrease in respondents in the affirmative in the older age brackets suggests older Australians are less candid in their responses.

Roy Morgan Research chief executive Michael Levine said that the overall rising numbers reveal a cultural shift.

“The rising rates across all age groups shows that people who consider themselves homosexual are becoming more open about it, which in turn reflects increasing acceptance across society,” he said.

“Finding out the ‘real’ number, therefore, is less about getting a head-count and more a gauge of just how open we are.

“As the Single Source survey continues over the coming decade, perhaps we’ll see the figure steady and flatten across age groups, with the question answered as readily and casually as any about vegetarianism or coupon-clipping.”

12 responses to “Almost 7% of young Australians identify as gay, study finds”

  1. You know in 1960’s I did not even know the word- gay- homo-but i loved my sexy boy friends-they did not know that they were gay–so the kids today are so with-it and out there I love it.
    And in Thailand- I never encountered the least discrimination.

  2. Sickofabbottelectionnow – gee, that’s clever. You must be nearly ready to go to the big school next year.

  3. This sounds about right! Come on Australia – it is high time for marriage equality and join in the 21st century, our generation support it! Scott’s recent comments are just plain silly, stupid and childish!

  4. By 2020, gay marriage will be legally compulsory in Australia!
    By 2100, 100% will identify as homosexual and the world will end!

      • Tony Abbott is a complete child molestor, terrorist, corrupt, asshole, dickhead, cunt, crazy, dimwitted, retarded, spastic, stupid, Taliban and KKK member, member of ISIS/ISL, Christian or Catholic fundamentalist, LNP member, dictator, idiotic, reckless, fool, old dinosaur, a fossil, hates the poor, threatened by homosexuality, budget wrecker, budgie-smuggler, wall puncher, hates women, worthless piece of shit, invasive, secretive, no consultation, mr I want my way, party of no, no deals and/or negotiation, shuts down debate and worst Australian prime minister and worst Government in living memory! Any more…? Election now!

    • And by 2200 the Earth will be uninhabitable due to climate change and sexually will finally be totally irrelevant!