One billion people now living with marriage equality

One billion people now living with marriage equality
Image: While Australia lags behind, over one billion people around the world now live in jurisdictions where same-sex marriage is legal.

More than one billion people now live in jurisdictions with full marriage equality, according to a recent analysis.

The turning point came when Colombia legalised same-sex marriage earlier this year, along with several Mexican states.

Melbourne LGBT rights activist Tony Pitman, who undertook the analysis, said that much has been achieved in a relatively short period of time.

“When you think that the first ever same-sex marriages took place in the Netherlands in 2001, that means we’ve gone from zero to a billion in just 15 years,” he said.

“That’s an extraordinary rate of social progress, and we’re witnessing an historic shift on a truly global scale.”

Pride celebrations are held across the U.S. and much of the northern hemisphere during the months of June and July.

However, a grim shadow was cast over this year’s festivities in light of the recent mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando.

Pitman hopes the new statistic will help to comfort some of those in mourning.

“Hopefully the news that we’ve reached this historic milestone can bring some comfort and encouragement to a worldwide community still in shock and mourning from Orlando,” he said.

Australia is naturally not a part of this statistic, having still not passed marriage equality.

While there is still doubt and uncertainty as to whether Australia’s government will hold a plebiscite on marriage equality or not, same-sex marriage advocate Tiernan Brady said it matters whether it’s passed within the year, on ABC’s RN Breakfast with Fran Kelly.

“It’s fine for someone who’s 25 hoping to get married if it doesn’t happen in the next year, but not if you’re 78… there’s a real human element to this,” he said.

Pitman said it’s disappointing we aren’t part of the first billion people able to live with marriage equality.

“It’s terribly disappointing that Australians will never be able to say we were among the first billion people in the world to achieve marriage equality,” he said.

“That’s a sad, historical fact now and an indictment of our spineless, dithering politicians.”

Twitter: One billion people now living with marriage equality, Australia still behind

Facebook: “It’s disappointing that Australians will never be able to say we were among the first billion people in the world to achieve marriage equality”

One response to “One billion people now living with marriage equality”

  1. I am still waiting for my right to get married to my same-sex partner John of 11 years.

    Well the Australian people have spoken and have re-elected a centre-rights LNP Coalition government and a Senate full of right-wing idiot nut cases, such as Pauline Hanson, Darren Hinch, Nick Xenophon and Jackie Lambie. Congratulations Australia, well done you have stalled progress for another 3-4 years!

    Do not blame me, I voted for the Australian Equality Party (Marriage) as number 1 on the white table cloth Senate ballot paper and left the green ballot paper completely blank. Marriage equality will not happen now, until after the next federal election in 2019 or 2020!