Priest defends anti-gay billboard
A Newcastle Presbyterian pastor has defended posting an anti-same-sex marriage message on a billboard outside his church on the day before Valentine’s Day which so incensed someone in the local community they responded by graffiting the church.
Rev Ian Copland posted a sign reading “even tradies know that you need both male and female joints to make a marriage,” on a billboard outside Wallsend Presbyterian Church in response to Greens MP Adam Bandt and Labor MP Stephen Jones introducing marriage equality bills in the Federal Parliament on Monday
Local gay man Nick Kelly told the Star Observer he was disgusted by the billboard which he thought showed religious opponents of same-sex marriage had some way to go to live up to their own calls for respectful debate on the issue.
“It’s a very crude message, particularly on a day that couples should be coming together,” Kelly said.
“If that is their view, then that’s fine,” Kelly said, “But it shouldn’t be placed where the general public have to look at it.
“There is quite a large lesbian community in Wallsend so when those couples walk down the main street on Valentines Day that will be the first thing they have to look at.”
Overnight, graffiti appeared on the church reading “love thy neighbour, not hate thy gays,” “let him without sin cast the first stone,” and, “religion is an equal right, how is marriage not?”
Rev Copland told the Star Observer he had not anticipated the timing of the message would offend anyone and did not apologise for it.
“Our church has a very prominent billboard in the main street and we’re always putting notices up there about all sorts of issues,” Copland said, “The last issue was problem gambling and certainly no one reacted to that sign.”
Copland said he was not sure that all members of the public would know of his church’s opposition to same-sex marriage.
“There are some churches who are wavering on the issue so we put it up there to get some discussion in the community,” Copland said.
Copland did not agree that some people might think it was inappropriate to put a message that some would interpret as referring to genitalia on a church billboard.
“It was just a play on words,” Copland said, “If you’re having a bit of plumbing at your house done there is a male and a female end of the plumbing and when they’re joined together that’s called a marriage. If you’re going to be politically correct they’d have to stop calling them that wouldn’t they?”
A number of tradespeople left comments complaining about the billboard on the Newcastle Herald website, with a number saying they were supporters of marriage equality.
Copland apologised if any tradespeople had thought he was implying that tradespeople were stupid and said he would have left out the word “even” in retrospect.
“If that’s going to be misinterpreted or cause offence to people for the wrong reason then I’m prepared to withdraw the word ‘even’ and apologise for that.”
However Copland said he would draw the line at putting up a similar billboard telling people of other faiths that they would not go to heaven if they didn’t accept Jesus Christ – although he believes that.
“I don’t think that’s an appropriate thing to put on the church billboard. I’m a pretty positive person, so I like positive messages.”
“Copland said he was not sure that all members of the public would know of his church’s opposition to same-sex marriage”
Surely he would have known after it got three runs in the Newcastle Herald and now in Sydney Star Observer – not to mention, the protests that occured.
Given Copland’s predisposition to plumbing and matters of a lavetorial nature, one has to wonder…
I think he is stuck in the 1950s, believing you need to be christian to go to heaven, but I dont think graffiti or vandalism is a good response because you r just lowering yourself to his level.
this makes me so sad. my girlfriend and i have been engaged 2 and a half years and we can’t wait to get married. its upsetting to know that even tho we are human beings we don’t get the same rights just because of our sexual preference. there are so many reasons why people are gay. most are born with the genetic gene. some aren’t so lucky and have something horrible happen to them to make the, hate the opposite sex. or BOTH. we are just people who want to love each other and be accepted for who we are. there is no harm in being with another girl. it doesn’t affect anyones lives. we aren’t hurting anyone. and at the moment gays have less rights then animals. and that id really sad. he should be ashamed of himself. he’s the one that should have rights taken off HIM!
I bet the same Reverend would claim offence at a safe sex billboard. The old “what do I tell the children?” answer “Don’t worry son mummy does it with pipes”
I love how his justification is “no one complained about the problem gambling bilboard” because that is an ACTUAL problem. Gay marriage isn’t so your homophobic message IS getting complaints you retard; because your opinion is wrong!
There is no proof one gay person did this put graffiti on the Church that put up a hate sign against same-sex attracted people implying they are not natural, and even those working in the trade’s think so. The Rev clearly upset a lot of people in the wider community, and was an idiot if he thought no person would respond to nasty vilification. What next, will he put a sign saying “No Asians” and argue his reading of the Bible justifies this? The majority of Australians feel strongly on marriage equality as poll after polls shows. What this Rev is doing is not just attacking same-sex attracted individuals with his vile; he is giving a blatant attack on other Christians and the community.
I see no person putting up a sign about what Rev Copland does to his wife, so why would he expect others to put him with talking about what they do in bed as not natural?
How would a young person, struggling with their sexuality feel when they see a large sign outside of a Church, that pays no rates or taxes, claims to have a monopoly on wrong and rights, saying what they do is not natural? I am just not into helping kids up onto a bridge and pushing them off. It is time Church leaders who use the Bible to create hate were held to account. Jesus did not say anything about the same-sex couples who were married around him. He never held up signs saying to get rid of the Centurions, as some were in gay unions, or held different religious beliefs. He never hated thy neighbour. What Rev Copland is doing, I think, is very different to the fundamental message of Jesus. I simply have no faith in him or his word.
What a moron – he’s a positive person? yeah right.
Blinded by his own prejudice – sad but typical behaviour.
No wonder the Churches are emptying!
what a douche canoe