Argent ‘Expects Better’ from PM
PFLAG Australia national spokeswoman Shelley Argent has launched an online campaign to encourage gays and lesbians and their family members and friends to make YouTube videos challenging their politicians over same-sex marriage.
The face of professionally made television campaigns in favour of GLBT equality in the past, this time Argent has created an amateur style YouTube video with a web cam to launch the campaign to show that anyone can speak out about why they expect better from politicians on marriage equality
Taking inspiration from the international ‘It Gets Better’ campaign tackling feelings of hopelessness among GLBT youth, Argent has taken the concept in a slightly different direction by inviting marriage equality supporters to talk directly to their leaders, politicians and political parties through YouTube and tell them its time to end the discrimination against same sex couples in Australia today.
In her video Argent takes direct aim at the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, reminding her that “it was once tradition that as a married female we automatically became the husband’s property and generally had limited rights including the right to vote, let alone become our countries first female prime minister; choosing to live in a de facto relationship.
“Lesbians and gays pay taxes and society benefits from their careers and talents and I as a parent expect my gay son to have the same rights and choices as his straight brother in his own country,” Argent says in the video, which appears below.
“It’s time to stop ignoring pro marriage equality groups who are trying to show you their side of the story and the effect your inaction is having on same-sex attracted couples. They just want the same choices that you and I have.
“I’m calling on all friends of lesbians and gays and anyone generally who supports equality of same-sex couples to grab a video camera and tell the world that you expect more from them regarding this issue.
“You can make more than one video if you choose which will encourage discussion on this issue and will make yourself heard. Remember- this is your world. Shape it or somebody else will.”
Those making videos for the campaign are asked to enter ‘I Expect Better’ and then the name of the politician or party they are directing their message to as their video’s name.
To follow the campaign, people can also “like” Argent’s page on Facebook, which can be found by searching for “Shelley Argent needs your help”.
I agree with you banks! your a realist. As a Gay man, ive never come across another Gay Male to be actually genuine. They use one another to their advantage, they stereotype on what one looks like, body orientation gone mad and plain simple nose so high in the air attitude. Um “Gay Community?” what a joke. Sometimes I wonder what homophobia really is? tell me Dave?
When you vilify gay people and say your “gay” as you have done in your other posts; people do tend to treat you badly. Being gay is no protection from internalised homophobia. How often have we seen Christian leaders condemn gay people when they turn out to be gay themselves?
Let me put it this way, it is a bit like being in the club room of a football team and shouting support for the other side. By all means be against marriage, lots of people are for all sorts of valid reasons, but using homophobic rants to justify your position does not help you here, no matter if you are really gay, or just some Christian loopy think he can change us by pretending to be one of us.
I would like to be part of a you tube video campaign that outlines the reality of gay people and its community to show the country how we really treat one another and ourselves – Perhaps this would make explain one of the many reasons why it will be a disaster to legalise gay marriage.
Fundamentalist Christians jackboot in the army of the night with their Bibles held high.
They are a strong and frightening force, impervious to, and immunised against, the feeble Lance of mere reason.
Believe it, they are flat-earthers who believe Noah was the husband of Joan of Ark.
This really is such a fabulous idea from our much loved Shelley. A simple and effective way to have our voice. Politicians are being swamped by Fundamentalist Christians who are anti-gay marriage and are from what I’ve heard winning the numbers when they are going to their regions for responses. I’ll be doing what I can to respond in this format and thank Shelley for this wonderful idea.
I wish our Prime Minister could have even half the courage of Shelley Argent, to brave the world and advocate for freedom and Civil Rights of all Australians. Shelly has helped many families and continues to be an inspiration.