Marriage ban ‘is like White Australia policy’
A South Australian Labor MLC has delivered a stinging attack on the federal ALP over its ban on same-sex marriage after he was prevented by his party from moving a bill to legalise same-sex marriage under state law.
Ian Hunter, who is openly gay, called the policy “odious” and “morally bankrupt”, comparing it to the White Australia policy, which he termed “a shameful blot on the ALP’s soul”.
Referring to the federal Minister for Finance and Deregulation, Penny Wong, Hunter said he was thankful he was not a minister and therefore restricted from speaking on issues outside his portfolio or forced to publicly support policies he privately felt were wrong.
Hunter told state Parliament that marriage was “a public declaration of love and commitment that is an extremely powerful cultural institution”.
“Homosexuals want to marry for the same reason everyone else does it: because they love someone,” he said.
“Australia enjoys freedom of religion and freedom from religion. Therefore, arguments based on religion have no place in this debate … A private moral view that same-sex couples are inferior to opposite-sex couples is not a proper basis for legislation.”
On the same day, South Australian Greens MLC Tammy Franks successfully moved an identical bill, noting the problems that other forms of recognition had for couples.
“In the absence of a marriage certificate, they can have problems proving their legal entitlements,” Franks said.
“This can be a problem in medical emergencies and where a partner has a decision-making role for the other … and the rights of partners in civil unions or in de facto relationships are often not widely understood or respected.”
Franks noted that churches that wished to marry same-sex couples were also discriminated against by the law as it stood.
Appealing to fiscal conservatives, Franks reminded Parliament of the estimated $7 billion benefit to the economy if just over half the same-sex couples who wanted to marry did so, and that corporations including the Commonwealth Bank, ANZ, Westpac, IBM, Qantas and ING had come out in favour of same-sex marriage.
Franks told the Star Observer she expected a vote on the bill to be held in spring before the federal ALP Conference and hoped it would add weight to the issue there as federal legislation was the ultimate goal.
“However, if a federal law is not possible then I will take a South Australian law,” she said.
Hunter agreed that federal marriage equality was the ultimate goal, but said for him, the bill’s usefulness was as a “prompt for discussion and debate, and to goad the federal ALP into doing something”.
Hunter’s comments came on the same day that the federal Member for Sydney, Tanya Plibersek, announced the results of her consultation with her electorate and a Victorian MP used his maiden speech to call for marriage equality.
I like gays.
I was not surprised to read that a gay Labor politician has publicly stated that his party’s policy on gay marriage is “morally bankrupt”, which illustrates how emotion can cloud reason.
If Mr Ian Hunter MLC genuinely believes marriage is no longer linked to the bearing of children why does he oppose incestuous marriages and group marriages like polygamy if the would be celebrants are consenting adults in long term loving relationships?
The problem with people like Mr Hunter is that they cannot deal with the gay marriage issue rationally because they are obsessed with their own needs, otherwise they would realize gay marriage is unethical and illiberal as it would harm children and society.
Marriages that validate family formats that naturally deprive children of their right to a mother and a father, a healthy body due to inbreeding, or create murderous interfamily jealousies, would be a hideous betrayal of the children we are duty bound to protect.
Our duty to protect children and society must be our primary concern, not the exercise of real or imagined rights or freedoms that undermine that duty. Primum officium.
I’m so over all this,you have your Mardi Gra,that you complain about EVERY damn year the the “straights” are ruining it,bugger off with the marriage..most of you can’t even hold a relationship,you go through men like it’s just nothing,a lot of you cannot stand children,your self obsessed and bitchy(which many of you seem to like)what the hell is wrong with you all,stick to your crap and we will stick to ours.
i always get a laugh seeing the xtians cruising gay sites…. make a few nasty comments, quote a passage or two for the bible….. peruse the scene pics and have a bit of a tug ?
they do not even make sense…. jesus taught to love thy neighbour….. most reasonable xtians do not hate us as it is against the teachings of christ
at best, the haters are misguided hypocrites…. at worst, they are evil, self interested hazards to humanity !
@Peter Stokes
It always amuses me when the ultra-conservative (so-called) Christians pop up on blogs about homosexuals. Spend much time trawling the net for this “filth” do you?
You know what they call someone like you who spends their whole life worrying about what other people get up to in the privacy of their own bedrooms? Perverts!
Well said Dave, and what you have to say Peter Stokes is absolute “utter nonsense”, as well as, archaic in thought. Society has changed and therefore outdated laws that govern our society, need to change as well. Especially one as discriminatory to state who has the “legal” right to marry.
The fact this was a recent amendment to include “between a man and a woman” in this day and age is outrageous! It disgusts me beyond reason for the sake of friends and loved ones, who are deemed less than worthy in the eyes of the law; OUR laws made by politicians WE vote for!
As for anatomical body parts making the grade for reproduction; THAT has also changed. In the same way women no longer need to be blessed by immaculate conception or wait for Mr. Right, same-sex couples can also have children even if it is deemed “unnatural” in the eyes of religious zealots like yourself. Also, are there not more than enough parent-less children in world in need of love and nurturing, to be adopted instead of institutionalised?
“left the lifestyle”????? Quite clearly you are an IDIOT if you believe it’s a choice! Being gay is not an “illness”, nor is it a learned behavior, so GOD help the children raised by bigots like yourself!
Ah Peter Stokes of the Salt Shakers fame, 20 or so cult members, less excluding family.
You know I was reading recently with fascination about gay Samurai weddings. I guess you don’t know what you don’t know. Imagine all those other weddings around the world. There are so many cultures and countries. Well even a third of Catholic theologians are revolting against hate.
Sadly for you most school children know weddings happened in other countries, and before Jesus was around. Christians never owned marriage. What a stupid thing to say they did. You are simply wrong on so many things in life including your crusade against loving couples.
Perhaps you can go down to Mardi Gras with a few hundred thousand people and celebrate the theme of Same-Sex Marriage. Drive your flock up from Melbourne! It is a half a bus load. Talk to the 101 Reverends about your hate and bile who attend.
Scientist can replicate lesbian mice and clone gay fruit flies, but they have no pill of bigots.
Marriage was NOT around befor God. He designed our bodies – Anatomy and Biology have not changed. Well said Julie
To say that saying no to marriage is like the white Australia policy is utter nonsense.
Black people CANNOT turn white – many homosexuals have left the lifestyle and are living happy heterosexual lives – yes, some have even gone the other way – of course change is possible – bisexuals do it all the time!!!!
Try basing your arguments on the value of same-sex marriage to society – other than yourselves – and you will have a BLANK sheet.
Governments support marriage because it provides the BEST environment to nurture the next generation. Not simply because they simply want to be nice.
When two men or two women can naturally produce a child But please don’t hold your breath waiting.
I can’t stand how those against same-sex marriage use the reason, “marriage is between a man and a woman”. That’s true (at the moment) – but all you’re doing is stating the current situation! How about giving us a SINGLE valid reason WHY marriage can only be between a man and a woman? That ‘the law says so’ is not a reason. The law doesn’t HAVE to stay the way it is. And it shouldn’t.
If we still followed the law to the letter, you could be arrested for things as outdated as not covering up elbow-to-knee on the beach. The world is changing – for the better! – and the laws need to reflect that.
I’m straight and looking forward to finding a wonderful man one day, but it really frustrates and saddens me that my best friend may never get to walk down the aisle, simply because he hopes to find a wonderful man one day too.
How can there be so much hatred surrounding an act of love?
Good on Ian Hunter and Tammy Franks for taking the (probably very difficult and risky) initiative. It’s nice to see that slowly, the government is beginning to recognise and reflect the views of the people. Keep screaming; they’ll hear us soon!
[sorry for my rant :)]
“While marriage equality is important, it does not compare to 150 years of racist policies which we still see the impact of today.”
Seriously?? Marriage equality is not just about the legality to marry, it is so much more on universal level! To be seen as the “norm” and accepted as such across the board. The “impact” has always been there and more so today with gay bashings, suicides and psychological issues to the basic fear of couples openly expressing their affection in public. How does that not compare to racial discrimination?
This whole issue disgusts me as well ‘Shazza’ and completely agree with all you have said along with others who have made valid points here. *thumbs up* I can’t understand HOW a couple wanting to commit to each other is seen as taboo? For F’s sake “love”, “commitment” and “acceptance” are prime themes in any religion, so the irony is beyond ridiculous to me.
AND I am SICK to death of religious beliefs and bible quotes used as an excuse to treat our fellow man as outcasts and social leapers based on what is nothing more than hearsay! To those who do so, the bible is open to interpretation and I will gladly debate anyone on the issue!
GOD (magic sky friend) does NOT view being gay as an abomination, the abomination is in those who BELIEVE it to be so!
It is such bullshit that in this day and age, a discussion about marriage equality cannot come about without some God-fearing and probably pregnant Nationalist throwing in their completely delusional religious beliefs. You know what, screw marriage. Gays you should go out and create your own legally recognised bond that hasn’t been taken hostage by facists and bigots. This isn’t the Dark Ages anymore. We do not have to suffer religious persecution.
God Free and Gay Friendly in 2011.
Islamists spark anger after calling for gay-free zone in East London
Pink Paper 16 February 2011
Islamists in East London have sparked anger after flyposting stickers which called for a gay-free zone. The stickers were distributed around the Whitechapel, Shoreditch and Poplar areas over the weekend. Specifically, they were targeted at schools and pubs, including the gay-friendly George and Dragon.
The professionally produced, anonymous stickers say: “Arise and Warn. Gay free zone. Verily Allah is severe in punishment.”
The ‘Gay free zone’ slogan is within a diagonal bar across a rainbow flag.
Equality campaigner Peter Tatchell – who has been attacked by Muslim groups three times in the capital – condemned the behaviour.
He said: “These stickers are part of a trend by Islamists and fundamentalists to target LGBT people. It is happening at universities and in communities. The main victims of this hate-mongering are LGBT Muslims. (…)
Dear Christians God bless your religious beliefs.I will take my chances with life withour marriage, a good lawyer at my death bed will give me more comfort than a bigoted religious.In return would you be prepared to give up any claim on the public purse,This money collected by our courageous pollies,some by the most sinful taxes.Have your private schools and hospitals couragousley sell your form of God ,I wish you well I learnt a lot with my good Catholic education,as you can see writing and spelling was not something they gifted me with.Walking with love of self first, and any that that may join your journey is my only map to paradise.This debate in a country that politicizes the greif of asylym seekers is redundant
I find it disgusting that this is even an issue. I am not gay, but why do I care if a gay couple get married? Why are people offended by such a “terrible” thing?
Come on people! This isn’t the age of the goat-herders, this is the information age. There is no reason why anyone should be leaving ignorant messages to the affect of “god said so”. With the internet at our disposal, there is no excuse to be ignorant anymore. Religion contributes to the world in a very negative way. It’s responsible for the overpopulation problem , it’s responsible for the environmental problem, it’s responsible for civil rights issues too.
I wish that people work out soon that it’s not a good to have too many children, its bad to soil your drinking water and pollute the air and it’s especially bad to dictate what people can and cannot do based on cruel and oppressive, archaic belief systems.
@julie ruth carney .. you are entitled to your rleigious beliefs, after all this country provides you the freedom of religion to do so. However, on what basis do you believe that it is right to impose the restrictions of your religious beliefs on everyone else in society – wether or not those restrictions are valid?
You use the excuse that “A lot of people belive in god and according to him marriage is between a man and a woman by bringing in gay marriage you are messing woth [sic] a lot of people’s faith” .. so what?
A lot of people don’t believe in god, and by imposing your belief system onto them you are “messing” with their freedoms.
A lot of people also believe that eating pork is a sin, because their god says so. Based on your logic we should outlaw the eating of pork.
Where do we draw the line?
By legislating for same-sex marriage the Government is doing nothing more than permitting such marriages to occur, and formally recognising them under law. No one will be forced to be in a same-sex marriage. No one will be forced to conduct a same-sex marriage ceremony. No one will even be forced to attend a same-sex wedding.
If you believe that same-sex marriage is a sin because your god said so then don’t go and have a same-sex marriage.
But please, leave the rest of us alone.
My partner and I are engaged. to be married? Well not quite. We are more than happy to invite our friends and family and ‘say’ we are married ( by our definition) BUT, what happens if I die.. or she does? We run the risk of being legally unrecognized, or hard to recognize.
In the current conditions it would not be straight forward. Why does Julia and co. feel they have the right to even comment, let alone keep us from being legally married?
Its funny, because it is such a personal matter, yet so publicly repressed.
Gays have had their fair share of prejudice and discrimination also, its only been the last few decades they have even been treated like humans! They always have and always will still face idiots who will terrorise and harass them. Do some research, jews weren’t the only ones slaughtered in the holocaust there was a large number of gays as well. If I male and female couple can get married legally by a celebrant outside of a church and still receive the same treatment as if they were married in a church why can’t gays? Yes maybe some church’s won’t want to preform the marriage but to people who do I say we let them! Gays deserve all the rights that we do and just because they like someone of the same sex as them does not mean they are inferior to the rest of us! How would you feel if the rolls were reversed and it was ‘normal’ to be gay and you weren’t allowed to marry your straight partner because ‘its not normal’, ‘god said its wrong’ or whatever lame excuses you can come up with, you would be awfully upset also!
Jules- It is simply not true that Same-Sex couples have the same rights as defecto couples. There are similarities between the way the government has treated people who are Same-Sex attracted, and those of a different skin colour. Both have been vilified and denied justice by the Government, with the support of many Churches. The Civil Rights of both people have not been valued or respected.
In fact Gay and lesbian people have had parts of the brain cut out to cure them, they have been imprisoned for existing, they have had their children removed, they have been placed in psychiatric hospitals, sacked from work, and deserted by friends, and had shock treatment, and they rate high in hate crimes.
Last time I checked if worked for a government funded Church service, and was not white and married, I would not get the sack, but a Same-Sex couple can.
If we had the Prime Minister denying rights to people of a different race, then there would be an outcry. It is homophobic to suggest that we have generally the same rights, we are not even included in the Federal Equal Opportunity Act.
So I am not sure what your angle is, to punish this politician for speaking out for Civil Rights, or to imply we should never say there were injustices in history, that had similar features to our own.
Civil and political rights are a class of rights that protect individuals’ freedom from unwarranted infringement by governments and private organizations, and ensure one’s ability to participate in the civil and political life of the state without discrimination or repression.
Hyperbolic rhetoric is not useful and any comparison to the White Australia policy is both innaccurate and racist. Same sex couples generally have the same rights under law as a heterosexual married or de facto couple. While marriage equality is important, it does not compare to 150 years of racist policies which we still see the impact of today.
lol @ mark
Marriage was around before the bible Julie in many many cultures…best you do your research…god ‘also “said” that you should not wear clothing made of two different threads.. best your check your labels stat…. also God also “said” in the bible that people with sight problems should not approach his alter…hope you or your kids don’t need to wear glasses…
Dont bother with the “what ifs” in responce to Julie Ruth Carney. She has opted not to think for herself. So she cant analyse “what if” senarios. Nor is she required to because she belives that the word is written in the book and we must follow that book. Very little if any thinking required. Well, what a load of CRAP.
As for her putrid argument that someone elses faith will be damaged by my freedom and equality, well I ask what type of faith is that? The faith of oppression! A blood suckers faith.
To tell the truth I am really surprised to see these type of ignorant juvinile comments listed in SSO.
It is great to see yet another politician stand up for Australia and the Civil Rights of all of us.
Millions of Christians including Bishops, Priest, Ministers, Nuns, and ordinary folk support Same-Sex Marriage, and see this as no different to the horrible treatment of people who were not white. They were once denied marriage also with passages from the Bible to back up hate. But no matter if Christians want us to marry or not, the choice is ours to make.
Marriage is primarily a social construct. Nobody outside the uniting parties ‘married’ a couple. They married one another. Sometimes the marriage was confirmed by a public ceremony or blessed by a religious ritual. As society developed it became a legal construct. The parties were subject to legal obligations. We now have a celebrant who has to sign off on your wedding.
Now Marriage is a legal instrument, which gives couples deemed married, greater access to laws then those who are not married. You can garden together, cook together, grow old together, and look after each other in sickness and in health, as if married, but face discrimination by government because Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott do not like your partner.
If this is the best government can do at regulating marriage, then perhaps we need to return to the days when it was up to you and your love to call yourself married, and have a celebration with your family and friends. Those were the days when government did not invade your personal life and say your love is worth less then the next couple, and have laws that discriminate against you choosing your love.
Politicians who do not support equality, will soon be seen as no different to those who supported the White Australia Policy, and the segregation of people of a different skin colour. History will be harsh on them, and they will have no political future. The legacy they have will be of hate and intolerance, when it could of been freeing an oppressed people, and creating a more equitable society.
julie ruth carney, What if one of your kids is gay? Its likely that when your children are mature enough they will make there own mind up on the issue of gay marriage.
You’re willing to deny living breathing human beings equal dignity while spouting an absurd superstition involving an invisible man floating in the clouds?
Seems to me like someone needs a reality check.
As for your children, I’d be more worried about them being denied equal rights. Until everyone is equal under the law, no one is safe from discrimination. Not even your children.
A lot of people belive in god and according to him marriage is between a man and a woman by bringing in gay marriage you are messing woth a lot of people,s faith,and if people belive after death there is something and most do well thats his word unless there is no god no nothing we live we die thats it.then go for it.or maybe lady ga ga can write a song about it.being gay fine living together is fine going agaist gods word and saying thats ok does,nt feel right.last time I looked marriage was between a man and a woman so children could grow up in a sercure enviriment and there is nothing wrong with that.
‘God’ didn’t say anything. It was ‘Man’ that wrote
the Bible, Quran, Torah, etc.
TBH, you should be more worried that your children will grow up
in an unequal society.
Anyways, good luck Australia, make your corner of the world just that much more equal.
x M
I know there are gay people in the world but I dont want my kids growing up thinking its the norm marriage is between a man and a woman thats what god said.
People like Ian Hunter who stand for their rights are real politicians. Not so long ago Penny Wong was toeing the party line with gay marriage. I am doubtful that gay marriage will be recognized in my lifetime. Can I posthumously marry my partner? haha