Seminars to spot homosexuality
The Malaysian government has begun holding seminars to help teachers and parents to spot signs of homosexuality in children, Reuters reports.
The Teachers Foundation of Malaysia has helped organise 10 seminars across the country with attendance at one event reported to have reached 1,500 people according to a spokesman for the organisation.
“It is a multi-religious and multicultural [event], after all, all religions are basically against that type of behavior,” the official told Reuters.
The government said in March that it is working to curb the “problem” of homosexuality, especially among Muslims.
According to a pamphlet issued at one of the seminar, signs of homosexuality in boys may include muscular bodies and the tendency to show them off in tight-fitting clothes and V-neck or sleeveless tops, local media reported.
“Definitely we support the seminars because it’s good for parents to be exposed to LGBT symptoms,” Deputy Education Minister Mohamad Puad Zarkashi told AFP earlier this month.
In 2011, Malaysian authorities sent 66 Muslim school children to a “gay cure camp” after school teachers identified them as being effeminate.
Sodomy remains illegal in the country.