Civil union ceremonies scrapped
Queensland Premier Campbell Newman has announced he will amend the state’s Civil Partnerships Act to preclude same-sex couples from having a state-sanctioned ceremony.
In a press conference this afternoon, Newman said that the Act will otherwise remain intact but that the changes were a demonstration of “good faith” to Christian churches who lobbied to repeal civil unions because they emulated marriage.
“The Civil Partnerships Act allows legal certification which streamlines administrative matters when same-sex couples apply for entitlements with the Government,” Newman said.
“The amendments will keep those legal rights but provide for no state-sanctioned ceremony… which is what offended Christian groups.”
Newman said the decision was made after a lengthy discussion with cabinet and talks with church representatives, but admitted he hadn’t consulted with the LGBT community, saying he’d spoken with advocates before the election and knew where they stood.
He also announced that celebrants who applied to be notaries for same-sex civil union ceremonies would have their application fee refunded.
Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie announced last month that he was examining the possibility of a full or partial repeal of civil union laws and sought legal advice on available alternatives, admitting all options were on the table.
Before the March election, Newman initially said he would not contemplate scrapping the laws if civil unions had already occurred, and that a repeal wasn’t a priority if he became premier.
He then appeared to backflip, pledging his support for a full repeal while speaking at an Australian Christian Lobby event in February, as long as it didn’t leave couples in “legal limbo”.
Action on civil unions was also not mentioned in the Liberal National Party’s (LNP) first 100-day plan released just prior to their election victory.
The LNP opposed the laws when they were debated in Parliament last year.
One of the first couples to register their civil union under the new laws told the Star Observer in May that a full or partial repeal would be devastating.
“It would feel like being treated like an animal, being declassified by [the Government] saying your relationship isn’t like everybody else’s,” Michael O’Brien said.
“If they’re going to change it to a relationship register, I mean that just sounds like something for pets.
“It would signal that our relationships were not valid, not equal.”
O’Brien and his partner Anthony Gillespie registered their union with the Brisbane Office of Births, Deaths and Marriages on February 23.
More than 600 civil unions have been registered since their introduction in February.
“…which is what offended Christian groups”. What about offended the LGBT groups, or are they not as important?!!! We are not asking for the church to hold these ceremonies, nor to participate in them in any way (although many will probably stand there with a placard to protest over equal rights).
And Charlie, unfortunately for you, we all know what you SHOULD believe, as its written down in one of the greatest novels of all time.
Why not ban women from being able to vote, too? There’s no difference between that and this – both are a denial of basic human rights, and a way of saying that certain people are less than others. I still don’t understand why people get so concerned about others’ lives – if it doesn’t affect you personally, then why do you care? And why should you be allowed to inflict your opinion on someone else whose life it actually does affect?
if you tax gay couples as defacto, let them marry. The End.
Lets ban the churches who destroy young kids lives when they molester…..Qld is pathetic….at least we have a good footy side who we all support – even gays !!! Campbell ur a toss !!!
This is not about marriage, this is about power. The power of a minority of Christians, who wish to force others, including Christians, to live by their beliefs. They are already here, saying only they know what other Christians think. They are as evil as Hitler. The majority of Christians as the polls show, support marriage equality, so who are these people and why on earth would they think they can control your life? QLD businesses are dying, write to them, let them know the damage Campbell Newman is doing to their business. QLD is perfect one day, tragic the next.
Absolutely disgraceful. I sincerely would rather I had two gay parents instead of being an illegitimate ‘accident’ whose father left, barely bothered at all and a mother who ended up forcing herself to try with every other relationship.
Christians need to realise that we are in a modern society. Their religion may be relevant to them, but the rest of the country are not required at all to follow their beliefs even if they paved the way for this society.
Evolution is now absolutely, without a shadow of doubt, proven fact and we should all realise that the bible is a homophobic, misogynistic, racist farce (the god of the old testament sure is a bastard).
Once again Australia falls years behind other nations. Grow up. If it is religion you are worried about I’m sure we will punished in the ‘after life’ for our ‘sins’. In a few decades time they will look back and see this discrimination in the same way whites treated blacks. And who cares if it isn’t a ‘traditional family’. I am a high school teacher and a lot of the parents I have met should be made infertile the way they treat their children and the little care they have for them.
Its absolutely disgusting. The church is the most corrupt party in parliament. Do you know how many priests/vicars are GAY, and turn to the church because they fear hell and damnation, so hide behind a religion.
Marriage is not a privilege that should only be received by straight people. Its an act of commitment to another, through love. Everyone should be entitled to that.
Australia. You’ve let me down.
Once again he has disappointed a majority of QLDs citizens. Young citizens who look forward to a happy future in their home state, living by their own beliefs which seems as though the government has no concern for. Newman and other closed minded, selfish politicians seem to only be concerned about their own status in politics and in the media, instead of meeting the needs of their citizens.
Awesome. No QLD holidays for me either. I wonder how much the pink dollar is worth to the state??
The people that voted for Newman that support civil unions should demand there votes for him be disallowed, then he may be removed from office!!!!
What dose it matter what the BRAINWASHED people THINK
Campbell Newman, and all the insipid, redneck morons who voted for him are essentially green lighting hate mongering.
Abolish the ties between obsolete religions, and perhaps then this State (and in turn, nation) can move into the 21st Century with the rest of the Free World.
This is disgusting.
Hey politicians, stop being obsessed with your image and start doing what is right.
Hey Christian lobbyists, stop enforcing your values on other people’s lives you selfish, insecure troglodytes.
In a few years time society will look back on you in the same way society looks back on the people who stood in the way of inter-racial marriage.
An utter shame and disgrace. This does not reflect the people, this reflects a backwards fascist fundamentalist belief that belongs in the dark ages.
Religion should have no place in politics
Charlie – Please don’t tell Christians what we believe. You don’t speak for all of us.
Let’s not treat all Queensland residents equal, Campbell! Good idea! Let’s not allow hard working, tax payers equal rights! I’m so glad you’re treating me like a second class citizen. Here’s an idea, why don’t you try to have the legislation amended and make it illegal to be gay in this country again, since you seem to enjoy going backwards.
Cambell Newman is a self serving money hungry bigot. I want to leave Queensland and he is about 20% of the reason. I’m proud to say I didn’t vote for him. Churches can keep their filthy noses out of politics thanks.
What a joke. Because of bigots human rights in Australia and QLD are yet again suppressed and disallowed. Have your religion, but don’t suppress others rights. Marriage is a constituent that succeeds Christianity – not developed because of it.
@Brad – Queensland never had marriage. They were civil unions…but even that was too much for the haters and bigots.
If Gay people wish to be bonded in marriage or ceremony of some kind as such then let them be, if religion is offended by this let them be offended, Everyone on this planet will live “Differently” to others around the world its not like religion hasnt offended another religion etc etc its a cycle thats going to continue for years to come.
someone is going to be upset, I dont see my self going out to ban Religion because I dont believe, I respect it and still get along with religious people aswell, atleast gay people dont knock on your door and try and convert you to homosexuality, my point being everyone lives differently even the pope wanted to stop “condoms” at one stage, then he seen the real picture of It also stops Sexually transmitted Disease’s and adapted.
I am not gay myself, how ever I have gay friends both genders they are some of the nicest people you will ever meet, but come on change is needed.
I do enjoy that “Brad in Qld” thinks we gays shouldn’t be allowed to badger politicians to change the law, but, as has happened in this case, it’s OK for the christians to do it.
I feel sorry for the GLBT community in Qld. They have more gay conversion centres and they also seem to have weaker politicians who don’t understand that they should be governing for and protecting all the people of their state, not just the people who have invisible friends in high places.
Why does it matter that the church was offended? this is meant to be a secular country! get churches out of parliament.
Brad in Qld: Perhaps they could also ban divorce & re-marriage, as well – because remember those vows (you know the ones, in the church, “before God & man”), with the lines about “until death do us part” – so, how does that impact on the “traditional family”, because a “re-marriage” isn’t really like those other people who’s “marriage” works so well!!!?? No holidays in Queensland for me either!
Sounds like gays only want their opionions to be made law and couldn’t care less what other groups in society think or believe
and mark, please don’t tell Christians what they believe if you have no idea.
I no longer wish to live on this planet.
Again we are taking away basic human rights of equality because a government wishes to make a single religion happy.
A faith in which even Christians themselves are getting angry now, Because they aren’t be being represented by their own beliefs. Only by those who seek to keep power to themselves.
What happened to free will? What happened to love thy neighbour. Should a faith not grow rather then decay with time?
Once it was witches, sadly now its gay people… Something is wrong.. Hmmm… None of them did anything wrong?
Why does the few control the many? Why does one man’s beliefs control the heart of a nation? :(
Good work Campbell.
I can’t see how people think same sex marriage is in fact marriage. I am sorry that Michael obrien feels like his “relationship isn’t like everybody else’s,” but let’s face it, it isn’t like everyone else’s. You can’t have something different and badger polititcians to call it the same.
Really sorry to offend the Christian groups with human rights and equality matters. Oh I thought that’s what Christianity was about ??
As an ex Queenslander and a straight bloke, I find this move rather disingenuous, it makes Queenslanders look even more like redneck backwater Neanderthals. In one move Queensland looks like they want to live again in the last century, so much for the smart state. In NSW now we are one step closer to actual marriage, at least politicians are openly showing support not pulling the rug out from under human beings feet.
We have a gay son and we are very upset at the scrapping of the Civil Union Ceremonies by Campbell Newman. He has no idea how this decision effects gay people. We live in Sydney and my wife, I and friends were planning a holiday on Hamilton Island. Holidays in Queensland? – not now or in the future unless the law changes!!!
OK, so we are gonna boycott Gloria Jeans – lets add Queensland to that list as well. Go to Bali for your next holiday ! Let the ACL have the Gold Coast.