Liberal MP hits out at ‘rainbow fascists’

Liberal MP hits out at ‘rainbow fascists’

Victorian Liberal MP Bernie Finn has accused the gay community of “rainbow fascism”.

Speaking to radio host David Oldfield on 2UE this week, the Upper House MP labelled those calling for Margaret Court’s name to be removed from Melbourne Park’s tennis show court “extremists”.

“We have seen, unfortunately, a very small section of the gay community — and I think these people have actually done an enormous amount of damage to the gay community — these extremists who have embarked on a program of rainbow fascism,” Finn said.

“They have gone after [Olympic swimmer] Stephanie Rice, who used one word and apologised immediately, they went after her sponsors, they went after her career, they wanted to destroy her.”

Finn also hit back at criticism from the community over comments made by former Victorian premier and beyondblue chair Jeff Kennett last year that children are better off with opposite-sex parents.

“You would have thought that he was proposing public lynchings of homosexuals, the hysteria was just ludicrous,” Finn said.

“He has a right, just as Margaret Court has a right, to express an opinion.”

Last week former Australian Medical Association president Dr Kerryn Phelps called on the Baillieu Government and Tennis Australia to drop Court’s name from one its show court arena after the former tennis player voiced her support for so-called reparative therapy.

Court, who is senior pastor at Perth’s Victory Life Centre church, told The Australian newspaper last week she had nothing against gay people and claimed to help people in her church “overcome” their homosexuality.

“We have them in our church. I help them to overcome. We have people who have been homosexual who are now married,” she said.

A campaign is underway calling for people attending the Australian Open to fly rainbow flags around Margaret Court Arena. The campaign organisers, however, have backed away from calls for Court’s name to be removed.


18 responses to “Liberal MP hits out at ‘rainbow fascists’”

  1. Matthew, sorry to have to interrupt your conservative temper tantrum! If GLTBI people had waited for the Liberal/National Parties to further our rights, then guess what? We would all still be waiting! Please list all the progressive laws introduced by the Liberal/ Nationals? Doesn’t take that long! Please check the voting records of the Conservatives for all progressive/human rights legislation over the last 30 years! The Coalition is ABSENT! You mention on a ‘REAL WORLD SCALE’ Please inform me country by country which side of politics has introduced progressive laws entrenching human rights? Seems to me you need to have a look at the ‘REAL PICTURE” of how conservatives everywhere have and continue to deny GLTBI human beings their rights to be equal citizens under the law!

  2. Overreaction perhaps? All the talk of ruining famous careers, lynching political parties & taking all the moral highground to on grounds like “homophobia” is a very old movie.

    Times have changed & the average individual has all the information at their fingertips to control their own lives & remain revelent to their own dreams in 2012+.

    Problem is the politics has always been far more important than actual lives with certain areas prefering to remain in the dark ages of the 80’s due to the aids epidemic which caused hysteria of a mass proportaion & was the cause of most of the deaths combined with toxic drugs. Now we have situation where the average person on these medications has lived more than half there lifes simply existing on a disability pension like all their friends and knows no different.

    While the gay community is hijacked by labourites you will never achieve anything of any substance. 30 years of inane politics should be able to show you that very little has been achieved when compared to a real world scale, and that’s the truth!

    Pawns being played for soup!

  3. Coming from an MP who, along with his entire Party last year, voted in favour of granting special rights to religious bigots (allowing them to legally discriminate against gays and millions of other Victorians), Bernie Finn’s comments about extremism appear rather hypocritical.

  4. Coming from an MP who, along with his entire Party last year, voted twice in favour of granting special rights to religious bigots (allowing them to legally discriminate against gays and millions of other Victorians), Bernie Finn’s comments about fascism and extremists are rather hypocritical.

  5. Yeah it’s not just a small minority of the “gay community” protesting. I am a raging maelstrom of heterosexuality and I strongly disagree with her comments.

  6. “We have people who have been homosexual who are now married,”.
    Married they may be, but they still can’t resist the call of the local beat.

  7. Echoing JackAllison’s comments – fascists wiped out minorities; gay trans etc are trying to protect minority rights. And as someone who born Jewish, I find Bernie’s use of the words extra offensive. 3 of my 4 grandparents had to flee for their lives from Poland in the 1930’s to escape fascism. Comment’s like Bernie’s spit on their graves. Grrrr

  8. “They want her career, they want to destroy her.” But ofcourse Court doesn’t want to destroy us, she just wants to ‘repair’ us. Let’s see who else closes ranks around this extremist, it will help out the homophobes.

  9. I can remember the terror of my teens living in Melbourne as these Liberal fascists and their Police buddies hunted down and terrorised the Gay community wholesale.
    Somehow the hairdo and face reminds me of Napoleon and an extra large ego.

  10. It is indicative of Victorian Liberal MP Bernie Finn’s use of the word fascism. It was that very movement in the 1930’s that carted gay men off to the death camps along with other minorities. Rather than immediately kill gays it was thought that many could be cured with reparative therapy through castration and a myriad of other macabre experiments usually carried out without anaesthesia.

    The system of eugenics and castration only ceased relatively recently in the 1970’s. The most celebrated British one was the Alan Turing case in the 1950’s.We have many countries that carry the death penalty because being gay ‘is a choice.’ This misguided propaganda quite rightfully needs to be silenced and if it means Ms. Courts name is expunged from the arena, so be it. She deserves it and I hope it is a shot across the bow for any other nutbag who continues to peddle bile and bigotry.

  11. Who is stopping bigots like Court from stating their opinion? Nobody, thats who. They still come out with their usual idiotic statements and will continue to do so. What this idiot Fiberal MP is really upset about is that people are actually countering these pathetic statements and calling the bigots out on their ignorance. Apparently, we should just shut up and let the comments from homophobes like Court slide. I DONT THINK SO.

  12. If fascism is to call people on the fundamental truth that you cannot just say anything you want these days, without thinking first, then I am a rainbow fascist.

  13. Another gay man was murdered last week. He was bound and set alight. Who is responsible for hate crimes and the foulness against humanity? Those who use their public office to promote Killing? I wonder Mr Flinn, what goes on in your head when you smooch up to David Oldfield?

    The Liberal Party’s Jeff Kennett had said employing a bi-sexual person was like employing a child sex offender, Margaret Court had said we were attacking institutions such as Marriage, and the Papal Knight Rupert Murdoch gave a twisted attack on homosexuals destroying Tennis.

    Ted Baillieu and his brawling mob recently stripped us from protections at work in the Equal Opportunity Act, and his Attorney General Robert Clark said homosexuality is a sick disease, and we molester children more the heterosexual people. Their Frankston MP said Marriage equality is like pedophilia.

    A bucket of hate is being poured over us by the Liberal Party, for asking to be treated equally, oh, and for some of us daring to wear rainbow colours.

  14. What a huge surprise! Anti-abortionist, monarchist, etc. etc. etc. What does one expect from an arch-conservative!