Minister may lose flock over marriage stance
A senior Baptist minister says he is worried he will lose his job because he supports same-sex marriage.
Members of the Lilydale Baptist Church will decide at a special meeting this Sunday, November 27 if their pastor Reverend Matt Glover should remain in his position because of his views on marriage equality.
Glover told the Star Observer he is not sure how the vote will end up, but said he was “gutted” he may be pushed out.
“[The church membership is] happy with my work here, my preaching and my care of people struggling, they’re all okay with that, it’s just my option that the Government should recognise gay marriage which is the sticking point,” he said.
A two thirds majority vote of around 100 signed-up church members will be required to end his tenure.
Glover, a married man with two children, has worked with the gay community for 15 years on issues of faith.
“I’ve said the church doesn’t have to recgonise gay marriage, the church doesn’t have to practice gay marriage, but I think the church needs to stand up for the right of gay people to have their relationships, their marriages,
legally recognised by the Government,” he said.
“It’s a burden we’ve felt that there’s a group of people in our community getting isolated and oppressed and having lies said about them… making them look like deviants.
“We’re trying to correct that and stand in the gap between the church and the gay community and help facilitate some discussion. I’ve been trying to get my church to recognise that but it’s been a bit of an uphill battle.”
Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) national spokeswoman Shelley Argent said she was disappointed by the move.
“This is a sad day for the “so called” Christian community,” she said.
The meeting will be overseen by the Baptist Union of Victoria.
The BUV has been contacted for comment.
A Galaxy poll released earlier this year found 53 percent of Australians who identify as Christian support same-sex marriage.
All Christians do is cherry pick which passages of the Bible to acknowledge and abide by. Why don’t you own slaves or stone adulterers? Both are perfectly moral (and in fact to not stone an adulterer would be immoral if you want to take the Bible literally, since it the ‘word of God’).
What you’re actually doing is attempting to justify your bigotry by saying “but look here, the Bible says this” and completely ignoring the passages that your own, innate moral sense recognises as ludicrous.
You can’t have your cake and eat it too!
Hey Brenty, I am a strong Christian who doesn’t agree with Gay marriage, but it doesn’t mean I hate gay people, i even have gay extended family members whom i love incredibly. You say we are full of hatred, well it sounds like you have just as much hatred for christians. You say we are denying them their human rights, well you are hating us for a human right too: freedom of speech and opinion. What big threats may i ask are you talking about? Maybe it would be a good idea if you went along to that church and see for yourself whether they are a whole bunch of gay haters, before you go and make impulsive false claims.
Peter Salt, thanks for your comments and to read them is why the Christian Church is dying a long, slow death! Just wait for the census figures next year. Latest research reveals that the Christian churches’ attitudes towards homosexuality are turning huge numbers away from the church., You see , you can’t repress and suppress us anymore. We are sons, daughters, uncles, aunties, workers, citizens, human beings with human rights! Your hatred and belief in a book written by right-wing male, Jewish heterosexuals. oh so long ago, has gone right out of the window! Sorry to have to tell you , God with a big white beard doesnt exist? Don’t come with the big threats, we are all over it! Sad you can’t work through what was instilled in you by cultural propaganda! Free yourself, while there is time! From what I can see from the local Baptist Church, it will be empty in another 10 years through natural attrition!
Matt is a nice guy, with a heart for people – but following Jesus means sharing the truth of His Word, not changing the rules to suit the prevailing culture and, in so doing, accepting as right what God clearly says is wrong.
God made us – designed our bodies and our minds to work together as male and female – that is clear from biology and anatomy and most, if not all, same-sex attracted people know that, even if they won’t admit it.
Normalising same-sex relationships is not an option for a follower of Jesus and it is not surprising that people in Matt’s church won’t walk with him on the path he has chosen to take – nor should they.
I am sure that Reverend Glover is a very decent human being who has dedicated himself to helping others. Hopefully, he is not about to find out that his congregation is full of bigots and homophobes!It is not my scene at all, but Progressive Christians need to unite and from a new progressive church. It would do very well indeed!
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