New Aussie doco examines ‘ex-gays’
The Cure is a new independent documentary film on reparative programs and the mental health implications of trying to ‘change’ your sexuality. Directed by Heather Corkhill, the film features interviews with Paul Martin, Ron Brookman, Hannah Pia Baral, Peter Williams, Anthony Venn-Brown and Ben Gresham, all of whom give expert insight into the damaging effects of Australian ex-gay ministries that claim to ‘heal’ homosexuality. The film is currently in post-production and will be released early next year, but you can watch the trailer below.
I don’t understand the “ex-gay” thing. I really don’t. I think it’s just a politically convenient lie. So long as your pretend that being gay is a “choice” you can continue promoting hate for gay people, use it as a “wedge issue.”
But even among the people who claim to believe in “ex-gays,” I wonder what the honest answer would be to the question “So you’d be OK with your son or daughter, someone you care for, marrying someone who claims they ‘used to be gay’? I don’t think you’d get many takers.
And who would WANT to marry someone for whom it took the threat of eternal hellfire and damnation to make them walk down with the aisle with you? Who wants to be the consolation prize in another person’s life?
So far as I can tell there has NEVER been a single human civilization where homosexuality didn’t exist. We know that from their art, myths, laws, and other records. Isn’t it time to treat it as what it is, A FACT OF LIFE, instead of pretending it’s something new on the horizon, something invented a few decades ago to offend conservatives? I mean really. Homosexuality exists and reality isn’t going to change to suit your prejudices. Get over it!