Christian group: recriminalise homosexuality

Christian group: recriminalise homosexuality

A spokesman for the conservative Christian group the American Family Association (AFA) has called for the reinstatement of laws criminalising homosexuality in the US.

Bryan Fischer told listeners on his radio show Monday that from the time of America’s founding until the late 20th century, homosexual activity was a felony offence in the United States of America and that “there is no reason why it cannot be a criminal offence once again, absolutely none”.

The last remaining sodomy laws – which were in place in 14 states – were overturned in 2003 with the Supreme Court’s ruling on Lawrence v. Texas.

At the time the AFA publicly condemned the decision, saying the ruling was tantamount to “tyranny”.

Watch the video with Fischer’s comments below:

10 responses to “Christian group: recriminalise homosexuality”

  1. What a bigot! Why are religious people so intolerant of others I hope there is a hell as he sure is on his way there! How funny if his kids turned out gay – god what am I saying is this arsehole breeding?

  2. Keep talking Bryan, the more you do the more you’ll alienate yourself as these laws will never be repealed, and you’ll seem even more out of touch and deluded than you already are. God Bless!

  3. As Dee said, this clown could move to somewhere like Saudi Arabia where homosexuality is illegal. Practising Christianity is also illegal but, hey, you can’t have everything.

  4. It would all most be worth if it meant I could share a cell with a well known hypocritical Sydney shock jock .

  5. More hate speech from the religious right. So typical. And yes, we have more than our fair share of these disgusting people in Oz. If they want to live somewhere where being gay is illegal (and this is what they want, laws against people just being themselves as they were born to be) then maybe they should move to some backward African country.

  6. spoken like a typical american grrr, that accent. And Dave, youve mentioned that canberra rally several times already.

  7. And these are the people Kevin Andrews, the Liberal Shadow Minister for Families for the Liberal Party, stood applauding, at the antiMarriage Rally in the Great Hall of Parliament.