Marriage support on the increase

Marriage support on the increase

New Roy Morgan research released this week suggests support for marriage equality in Australia is increasing with 68 percent of Australians surveyed now in favour of allow same-sex marriage.

The result is up from a 2010 Galaxy poll which showed 62 percent support.

The poll of 543 people was conducted for Channel 10 program Can of Worms and also showed overwhelming support (78 percent) for marriage as a ‘necessary’ institution, with 22 percent voting against.

Australian Marriage Equality national convenor Alex Greenwich welcomed the poll results and urged Australians to get in contact with their local MPs to make their voices heard.

“Following the Galaxy Poll last October many Australians have continued the conversation about marriage equality, and we are encouraged that more and more Australians are opening their hearts to ending discrimination in the Marriage Act”.

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said the results show change is needed.

“Surveys such as this are proof that every time this question is asked, increasing numbers of Australians are in favour of same-sex couples having the marriage rights afforded to heterosexual couples,” Hanson-Young said.

“It’s an unstoppable force for love and will result in Australia joining other progressive places such as Canada and New York state where same-sex couples have full legal rights to marry.

Federal MPs are set to report back to Parliament on August 24 on the issue.

5 responses to “Marriage support on the increase”

  1. 78% think that marriage is necessary? I didn’t know Australia was so backward – or is it becoming more like the marriage-promotion-happy USA now? I wouldn’t be happy about this.

    I rather agree that de-emphasizing marriage is good for the LGBT community as the TaraElla post recently opinioned.

  2. Some of the public’s brains could do with a wash on this issue – the other 32% as a start – and who is using my name in vain???? Declare yourself, imposter!

  3. Can we really trust the stats here? The title itself is misleading.. State it as it is “Same-Sex Marriage Support on the increase”? really or it is a hijacked topic by some journalistic same-sex marriage sympathisers trying to brainwash the public.