Liberal MP refuses to clarify gay slur
Federal Liberal backbencher Don Randall has refused to clarify comments caught on tape earlier today, in which he referred to the ABC as the “Gay-BC.”
The comments were recorded before Randall gave a press conference this morning and were later poster on Twitter by Sky News’ John Bergin.
It’s been reported Randall made the comments after stomping on the ABC’s camera cord.
A media spokesperson for Randall told Southern Star Observer no clarification would be offered on the remarks.
“The comments are already on the public record… he won’t be commenting any further,” a spokesman said.
The remarks were made as Randall also mistakenly labeled his own party’s ideas on regulating bank interest rates as “lunatic” and “fringe”.
Icaruslanding. Your comment is just as bigotted as the liberal supporters you aim it at. Gay people like anyone else have more than one reason for supporting a political party, its not just about sexuality and maybe if people would concentrate on the wider world of politics instead of just confining themselves to one area, maybe we would get equality because it would not be an issue. If I vote Liberal, its not because I am self loathing, its because the liberal party has something to offer that fits in with what my beliefs for the greater good of the community, not just issues to do with gay people.
The Labour party are not diffferent, havn’t noticed them racing to change the equality of gay people, oh accept for a few crumbs from the table which actually benefits the government not the people. Maybe you should look at the big picture before you make derogatory comments about people you don’t even know.
sack the troll.
How about pulling your dick back into your pants and stop supporting Porn Queen Fred Nile. I am bloody disgusted my taxes have to pay for keyboards that are ruined by wankers like you.
Eric is just doing research for Fred Nile. Leave him to his job – he’s got his hands full!
What do you expect from the homophobic liberal /national bigots – you can polish a turd but its still a turd. Any gay person who votes conservative is a self loathing supporter of our oppressors. PS Eric..what are you doing here ?..shouldn’t you be posting on the Daily Telegraphs website or watching Fox News.
I’ll say what I believe: the term “political correctness” is only used by right-wing cretins who open their mouths to utter Alan Jones’ opinions. And unfortunately, said cretins are often elected into lucrative positions where they get more free speech than most of us.
Is he another Brain washed victim of the Jesuits? Let’s kick his conservative Butt into Hell fire.
Any word from the alternative PM on what one of his members has said? …thought not. Just as well he didn’t become PM then.
Good for you Don, drop political correctness and say what you believe. Time for a sweep-out of the left wing destroyers of our country.
Unless he issues a clarification about the intended meaning of his comments, I must accept the inference that his comments were intended to be homophobic.
If his intention was to display homophobia, he has offended me and countless others, and he should retract his comments and apologise for them.
Bill Heffernan was man enough recently to retract and apologise for offensive comments. I would urge Don Randall to follow Bill’s example.
That’s the sort of crap you can get away with as an elected member of the Liberal Party – probably the Labor Party too.
Liberals are homophobic.
They have fought every change to allow the GLBTQI community to have any rights for many years now.