Going viral: naked shower selfies to tackle HIV stigma

Going viral: naked shower selfies to tackle HIV stigma

THE viral #weareALLclean social media campaign has reached Australian shores, and it didn’t take long to get here either.

The campaign was first launched on Monday in the US, which saw people post semi-naked, lathered-up shower selfies all over social media with the hashtag #weareALLclean.

It’s main purpose is to tackle HIV stigma, and each person who posts a photo is expected to make a donation to a HIV and AIDS charity.

Like the recent ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, those who post a shower selfie also pay it forward by nominating friends to do the same.


#weareALLclean has made it to Australia within 24 hours of US launch PIC: Queenslander Kyle Summers
#weareALLclean has made it to Australia. Pictured above is Queenslander Kyle Summers, one of the first Aussies to take part in the challenge.


In the US, donations are mainly going to Housing Works, a New York-based nonprofit organisation fighting to end HIV and AIDS by 2030. They also work to combat homelessness that affects those with the virus, and their charity has a global reach.

At the time of publishing this article, the charity had raised a almost $500 of its $1 million target.

According to the fundraising site, the instructions are:

1. Take a selfie or Vine video of yourself in the shower. **NO EXPLICIT NUDITY**

2. Post your photo on Moovz and all social media platforms with the caption “Take HIV Shower Selfie Challenge raise $$ for AIDS cure bit.ly/CUREAIDS #weareALLclean”

3. Challenge three or more other people to participate,

4. (Optional) DONATE. Consider a small donation if you are able. Every penny counts: bit.ly/CUREAIDS

5. On World AIDS Day: Monday, December 1, change your social media profile pictures to your shower selfie photo and spread the word.

13 responses to “Going viral: naked shower selfies to tackle HIV stigma”

  1. Good cause but stupid having to take vain and suggestive photos which just make the LGBT community look vapid and slutty. Not to mention difficult for women to participate in.