Gay and Muslim in Jordan
Addressing an Islamic conference in Johannesburg in 2007, Jordanian national and Canadian resident Suhail AbualSameed said, As a gay Muslim, I feel unsafe, unloved and unrespected in this space.
He later explained, The harshness of the comments [by other Muslims] made me passionate; I had to do something for my own identity and dignity, and of other gay Muslims.
Amman-born Faisal, 25, believes Arabic culture is the main reason why homosexuality is not accepted in his country.
According to Arabic culture, homosexual men are not real men. Jordanian society has built a stereotype of what a man is: you are not supposed to cry, to be soft, sentimental, he said.
This sentiment was demonstrated in November 2008 when authorities targeted gay prostitutes because they were spreading vice and moral decay in society. Amman’s military governor Saad Manasir allegedly said, The campaign will continue until we eradicate any trace of male homosexuals in the society.
Also last year, the police raided Books@Cafe, a gay-friendly establishment, citing alcohol violations during the holy month of Ramadan. The owner, Madian al Jazerah, wrote on the internet, This is about where we stand in hypocrisy and bigotry… We get shocked with the visit from the police with an order to close. There was no reason with the order.
Faisal said, Why would the authorities close it down? It’s a beautiful cafe, with views of the old city. It’s ridiculous. Gay people will always find a way to meet and get together.
Faisal acknowledges that some interpret the Muslim religion to denounce homosexuality.
The religion says no to homosexuality. If you’re a Muslim you cannot live your life disconnected from the religion. Islam is a way of life, it’s how society functions, governs. I believe calling yourself a Muslim country and not following the Sharia law is not right, he said.
The legal system in Jordan is a mixture of religious Sharia and European codes, with Ottoman influences. It is perhaps for this reason that Jordan is relatively more tolerant than other Arabic nations.
Jordan is one the few Middle Eastern countries where homosexual acts are not illegal. The penal code was amended in 1951 to decriminalise private adult and consensual acts of sodomy.
There are mixed reports regarding honour killings in Jordan. Faisal doesn’t recall any gay people suffering such a fate. The law protects perpetrators of honour killings, despite recent lobbying for the Government to repeal the legislation.
Faisal said ultimately the perception of homosexuality in Jordan is very different from Australia’s understanding.
In Jordan the view of homosexuality is that it’s purely an act undertaken by bad people. I never thought beyond the sexual aspect until I left Jordan, he said. The concept of a gay relationship beyond sex is rarely thought of in my country. We don’t think about inheritance rights, for example.
Faisal, who’s been studying in Sydney since 2006, is optimistic for his country’s future.
Let’s take Sydney 50 years ago. You could not live an openly gay life then. I like to think that Jordan is a late bloomer. I hope that in the future everyone will be happy, however there are still some parts of the world which still need to deal with these issues.
A number of homosexual in Jordan seek to form a public society for the defense of their rights after the ministry of social development turned down a similar application submitted by three persons before three month.
Jordan Zad News- 2009-05-20
Three homosexuals displayed ads on ” homosexuals” web sites state ” welcome to page Qaws .
Qaws cares of Gays, Lesbians, bisexual and transgender the said ad states that:” we are a group of youth willing to establish an organization for homosexuals in Jordan. We are seeking currently, we are seeking a team for this organization. This team shall in clued five individuals who have the following general description :-
– intellectual and mental maturity .
– Not less then 18 years old .
– Respects humans and their rights without discrimination nor racism .
– Able for confrontation, carries responsibilities and consequences.
– Has the internal desire and motive for this .
– Knowledgeable of human rights .
– To be understanding to the Qaws Mission which is to make the life of gays and lesbians better, protect and strengthen this life provide counseling with all types and medical tests .
– Gender is not per-requisite.
The ad indicates the purpose which is not to spread disorder within the Jordanian society, rather ,Qaws, seeks secondarily to increase awareness among people in regard to homosocialism and the life of homosexuals, and lesbians and their status if needed.
However, Qaws first objective as it is mentioned earlier is to make the life of homosexual better and protect with the support of that life”
The ad continues in saying that, founders are searching for a lawyer:
” who has enough knowledge in human rights domain, Jordanian law and the customs and traditions of the Jordanian families-tribes in order to do legal counseling in how to register their establishment legally, handle claims against the establishment receives law suits against violations of the establishment’s members.
The society is seeking a psychological counselor and sociologist who possesses enough experience in dealing with members problems and solute such problems.
Founders say that Qaws has currently no activities ,however, it will decide on that when the team members are get together .
However, a group of people submitted last march an application to the capital’s Development directorate, for the establishment of homosexuals’ society. In their application, they stated that they are three individuals, with 20 years old and the purpose for society establishment is ” Defending the homosexuals’ rights.”
In this regard, western Amman Development Manager Mohammad Abdah to the Al Balad Radio station that, three young men in their twenties Visited the directorate and submitted and application to register a society for homosexuals. Through conversation with them ,they said that ,the society aims at gathering homosexuals in a certain place, defending their rights and provide medical lectures on the protection of the sexual transmitted diseases distribute aid to the poor of the members.
Badah continued saying,” in fact the laws in the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan permit not actually the presence of such societies, organization or establishment that cause friction to public norms and contradict the teaching of Islam.
There is no any article in societies act 2008 forbids the establishment of such organization for this purpose ,however Badah stated to the ALBALAD radio station that ,the presence of such societies contradict the public Norms whereas such societies violate the rules of public decency and Islam.
One of the applicant called ADAM says the objective of society is” Hove the Jordanian society at large accepts a wide class of people who suffer all kinds of insult verbally with bad language or describe them with bad descriptions too .