Harbour Party is here!

Harbour Party is here!


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It’s finally here! Sydney Mardi Gras Harbour Party ‘13 hits this Saturday, with David Morales, Moto Blanco, Alex Taylor, GI Jode and Ricki-Lee Coulter all set to perform in front of the magnificent Sydney Harbour backdrop.

As the late afternoon sun makes its way behind the Opera House and the bridge, thousands of gorgeous partygoers from around the world make their way through the Botanic Gardens to the water’s edge for one of the most spectacular dance parties on the international scene.

Expect shady lawns, cocktails and bars galore (twice that of last year).

5485698814_a377de712e_o webGayday will be supplying a ‘Share the Love’ photobooth, with every photo going into the draw to win a holiday to London or Rio with $2,000 spending money.

In celebration of the Generations of Love theme, the Finlandia Cocktail Bar will be serving up Generations of Cocktails- ‘80s Tequila Sunrise, ‘90s Cosmopolitans and a Bee Sting for the Naughties.

Atlantis Events will be supplying party goers with handy wristbands, ideal for storing loose change and mopping the sweat from your brow.

And no need to bring glow sticks along, Air Asia have developed a limited Edition Sydney Mardi Gras Lightbow app that you can wave in support of your favourite DJ.

Harbour Party ‘13 is at the Botanic Gardens Sydney this Saturday, February 23 from 2pm.

INFO: www.mardigras.org.au


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Main Stage Line-up

3pm – 4.30pm   •   GI Jode

4.30pm – 6.30pm   •   Moto Blanco

6.30pm – 8pm   •   Alex Taylor featuring Peyton

8pm   •   Show – Ricki-Lee

8pm – 11pm   •   David Morales

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