Same-sex marriage on screen
Don’t miss the concluding part of Compass’ look at same-sex marriage this Sunday, July 10 on ABC1.
Anglican Bishop Robert Forsyth, Baptist minister Reverend Nathan Nettleton, Jesuit priest Father Frank Brennan, Professor Dennis Altman, broadcaster Julie McCrossin and dad Geoff Thomas take part in a lively dinner discussion with Geraldine Doogue, and argue the pros and cons of allowing same-sex couples to marry in Australia.
It starts at 10.10pm.
Law abiding citizen, how does marriage effect you or your marriage? What right do you have to discriminate against the way people are born? The fact that because something is ‘traditional’ (though same sex marriages occurred throughout the world in the past), is only as good as historical prohibitions on interacial marriage and sexist traditions like rape in marriage and ownership of women by men that in the past defined marriage, as well as the imposition of a single religious tradition, always excluding atheists and other religions, to celebrate marriage, which to Christians made up the core elements of ‘traditional marriage’. Marriage is a civil law- have your marriage, include whatever traditions, gender roles, religious practices, but don’t impose the elements of your marriage on my marriage. You’ve no right to exclude two committed humans from equal recognition of an equal relationship.
Marriage is the union of a man and woman. Not man and man, not woman and woman. Why do homosexuals keep insisting that what has been clearly defined as marriage for thousands of years, all of a sudden is different??
Where will this stop? What if the crazy cat lady down the road decides she wants to be married to all of her cats? “Well.. marriage lines are blurred already, why not let her?”
How low will humanity reach?
Ed: Ummm, I don’t recall any gay person asking to marry their cat or, in fact, anything other than the human being they love.
How much loooooooooooooooooooooooooonger do basic human rights such as marriage need 2 b debated by religious bigots and chest beating do-gooders?