Bachmann: ‘Gays part of Satan’

Bachmann: ‘Gays part of Satan’

Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann continues to garner criticism for her anti-gay views in the US after new audio emerged of her defining homosexuality as ‘part of Satan’.

Speaking at a national education conference in 2004, the Minnesota congresswoman (who was a state senator at the time) gave a lecture on the effects of same-sex marriage on education, stating:

“I am not here bashing people who are homosexuals, who are lesbians, who are bisexual, who are transgendered. We need to have profound compassion for the people who are dealing with the very real issue of sexual dysfunction in their life, and sexual identity disorders. This is a very real issue. It’s not funny, it’s sad. Any of you who have members of your family that are in the lifestyle—we have a member of our family that is. This is not funny. It’s a very sad life. It’s part of Satan, I think, to say this is gay. It’s anything but gay.”

Bachmann has been a lightening rod for controversy in the American presidential race for her views on the GLBTI community. Recently it was revealed that her husband, Marcus Bachmann, runs a counseling service that uses public funds to ‘cure’ people of their homosexuality.

Last week, Bachmann signed a pledge written by conservatives in the US state of Iowa that opposes marriage equality, Sharia law and bans pornography.

The pledge also stated that homosexuality is a choice, rather than a biological trait and contained a passage that read: “Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American President.”

The latter was removed after considerable public outrage.

Listen to the 2004 audio below:

17 responses to “Bachmann: ‘Gays part of Satan’”

  1. This is a quote from David Lennon on facebook,
    “. Sexual orientation is not mentioned in the Bible. Bible language of Hebrew and Greek have no word(s) for “homosexual,” “sex” or for “romantic love.”

    2. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that LGBT persons can or should change their sexual orientation.

    3. The 6 Bible passages used against homosexuals are incorrectly translated and used out of context to hurt people not in the original text.

    4. The use of the Bible to condemn LGBT persons violates scientific principles of translation and interpretation and is academically unsound, indefensible, irresponsible and ignorant.

    5. The Bible in the original languages never condemns same sex romantic love as sin.

    6. The Bible gives positive support for same sex committed relationships in stories about Ruth and Naomi in the book of Ruth and David and Jonathan in I Samuel 18-20 and II Samuel 1.

    7. Jesus never mentioned homosexuality.

    8. The Bible repeatedly demonstrates God’s love, care and acceptance of all outcast, rejected, misunderstood and alienated people.

    Bible translators and publishers who persist in using evil homophobic “translations from Hell” to wound and destroy gay people must be challenged and corrected. Distortion of the Bible into attacks on homosexuals demands a clear and effective response.”

    Just for you christian bigots out there

  2. Seems to me this is another blatant attempt to generate fear in younger guys and gals, that homosexuality isn’t normal.

    Growing up in a world (oh it’s 2011 by the way) and discovering that you have to go through your individual sexuality turbulence of coming to be, just to name one hurdle, and then have to hear or read this from high standing person in our world. No wonder this unbelievable verbal vomit confuses some.

    I have a great “cure” for homosexuality. Take people like Michele Bachmann and ask her to teach herself how to keep her mouth shut. This might give people out there the chance to develop their own thoughts, rather then this political christian preaching forced into their heads.

    As humans we are taught to believe in something from a very young age. Impressionistic comments like this needs proving, as people are not stupid. If we are satanic prove it!

    Oh by the way I can’t remember the last time I sat in a circle, surrounded by candles singing or chanting grunts of some kind, actually I have no memory of that at all.

    If proving it is just your opinion Bachmann, I will pass. Sorry you will need to provide evidence, can’t wait for ever as well, so I will focus else where, maybe my garden etc.

  3. ‘Gay Minister’: No idea what ‘bible’ you’ve been reading, but none I have ever read has said anything of the sort. Maybe you should go back to your theological studies and check it was the bible you were studying.

  4. She needs to Read her Bible more, cause she evendently doesn’t know much about the LGBT people, if she did she’d know we are born into our sexallity. NO CHOSEN!!!!!!

  5. […] Originally Posted by hammertime33 What's God gonna send this time around – hurricane, meteor, a Godzilla monster? I think Mothra will just have to take care of this matter(the homophobes)>>>>> ‪Mothra-Rebirth of Mothra‬‏ – YouTube On a side note here is some more evil and twisted rhetoric from the FAR religious right>>>>>> Bachmann: ‘Gays part of Satan’ | Star Online […]

  6. NO REALLY! Please explain to me HOW they find these people to run on the GOP ticket? Do they put a classified ad entitled “FREAKS WANTED” in the local paper? Lord help all of us!

  7. You are sad Michelle…you are one sick women! If anyone is of satan it is you! You are pathetic women! She really has a warped since of reality! sick sick sick!

  8. This type of person with those remarks could push youngsters and teenagers that are confused about their sexuality to contemplate suicide. This woman is dangerous

  9. Mrs Bachmann states that many gay people were molested and/or abused suggesting that is why they are gay.

    I am not gay because I was abused

    I was abused because I was gay

    Until equality for all people of wahtever orientation is acheived and the “problem” of what your sexaul orientation is consigned to the dustbin of history, bigots like Mrs Bachmann will continue to stir up hatred.

    Thankyou to all who are protesting this.

  10. Oh my god, I thought there was not a dumber person than Sarah Palin, this one is gone crazy! She’s saying we have to change our constitution for the bible!

  11. I don’t understand why people thought it was a mental disorder. I mean, they weren’t hurting themselves or anyone else. It’s simply pleasing yourself and your sexual desires. Why some think it’s a bad thing, I completely understand, because it says it’s a sin in the Bible. But why would they think it’s a mental disorder? Adultery is a sin, but people don’t have a mental disorder just because they cheat on their spouse.

  12. I am not here bashing people who are homophobes, who are gay-bashers, who believe that God wants people to hate other people, who are confused. We need to have profound compassion for the people who are dealing with the very real issue of hatred in their life, and cognitive disorders. This is a very real issue. It’s not funny, it’s sad. Any of you who have members of your family that are in the lifestyle—we have a member of our family that is. This is not funny. It’s a very sad life. It’s part of Satan, I think, to say this is Christian. It’s anything but Christian.

  13. Thank you, Dr. Boyle for your comment. It is people who are led by ignorance and a clouding judgement of hate and misinformation that continue to stop this country from becoming what it was established to do; to be a place of acceptance and freedom. The GLBTI community is undeniably a large source of our country for economy, culture and every day life, even is statistics say otherwise. To deny part of the whole the same opportunities is damaging to the whole. Gays, Lesbians, Bisexual and Transgendered people are no threat to anyone, nor are sick, wrong, or confused. Change and opinions will not come about by violence or plugging our ears. We need to open our hearts and minds to truly come together and grow to unite as one. Black, White, Gay or Straight, we are all Americans and we need to hold each other strong.

  14. wow. shes the one with something wrong with her, shes deluded and brainwashed, her husband runs a mental health clinic? he should be the one locked up in an asylum. my heart goes out to all those who are entered into that clinic, who knows what ways they are torturing them. these are the type of people who need help, not gays. its 2011 and yet people are still brainwashed by religion.
    my heart also goes out to the gay person in her family, i can only imagine the abuse that goes on.

  15. Many years ago, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders – 4th Edition (DSM-IV) removed homosexuality as a sexual problem from its list of mental health problems. This is not a “sad issue” as Michele Bachmann calls it, nor are bisexuality or transgendered issues sad for those who are happy with their lifestyles. The only sad thing about this is mean-spirited, ill-informed comments by people who have no understanding of human sexuality who act as if they do and who prosletize against gays as if there is something wrong with them. Michele Bachmann and her “family clinic” should be pretty ashamed that they are doing something detrimental to therapy clients in trying to “make gay people straight.” “Best practice therapy”, supported by empirical evidence, is what is practiced by ethical “doctors” of psychology such as her husband states he is. Interesting. He should know better. Perhaps he should lead a church, not run a mental health clinic.