Same-sex couples can now adopt in Queensland
SAME-SEX couples will now be able to adopt in Queensland after adoption law reform was passed in the state’s parliament.
The Adoption and Other Legislation Amendment Bill was introduced by Labor MP Shannon Fentiman in September, before being voted on after a second reading late last night.
The vote was an even split among MPs with 43 voting for the reforms and 43 voting against them. However, as the numbers were equal, the Speaker cast his vote with those in favour of the reform.
All Labor MPs and two independents voted yes, while all Liberal MPs and the two Katter MPs voted no.
Fentiman said Queensland had been barring the LGBTI community from meeting the needs of a child through adoption for too long.
“Earlier this year I met an incredible couple from Noosa, Julie Carrington and her partner Lee Sanson,” she said.
“Together they are bringing up their six-year-old daughter.
“Any thought of adoption has, up until this point, simply been off table for this family.
“Should this house pass this legislation today, the discrimination against Lee and Julie will end.”
The bill expands who is eligible to enter the adoption expression of interest register to include same-sex couples, single persons, and people undergoing fertility treatment.
It entirely removes the requirement that a person must have a spouse of another gender.
Fentiman said the same criteria and rigorous selection and assessment processes that currently apply to heterosexual couples will also apply to same-sex couples.
“Meeting the best interests, needs, and wellbeing of a child is not dependent on whether a child has parents who are of the same gender, opposite gender, or even whether they are raised by a single parent,” she said.
“In fact, there is clear evidence that regardless of the gender and sexuality of a child’s parents, it is positive relationships and a supportive, nurturing and loving home that provides the best outcomes for children.”
Labor MP Grace Grace said same-sex parents she knew were the main reason she voted in favour of the bill.
“Robert and Andy have raised Lily since she was a baby,” she said.
“She is now in high school and is a beautiful, well-adjusted, wonderful young woman.
“This morning when I saw Robert at the doctor with Lily I said to him – you won’t believe this, but tonight we’ll be debating the adoption bill.
“He was beaming. This is the reason these laws need to change.”
There is a serious delay at implementing the bill I have noticed over the past couple of days. The bill has been on the Queensland Govonor’s desk for over a week now. Has he or she refused to give the Adoption Amendment Bill 2016 Royal Assent? The SSO has yet to even noticed this or care about this at all really!
The Bill to legally allow SSCs to adopt children was given Royal Assent on 12th November 2016 at 10am. The law went into effect immediately!
Surprise surprise, the LNP opposes adoption equality and votes against it within QLD Parliament!
Long Overdue! It was a very close vote of 45-44 indeed! Well done Queensland, now it is time to get to the other LGBTI issues – such as to abolish the gay panic defence!
Six down, two to go!
Both South Australia and the Northern Territory still ban gay couples from adopting children.